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Researching group
Aerobiologia journal
Phenology studies
Sampling sites
Pollen information
Offered services
Research proyects
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Members and activities 
Aerobiology team (University of Córdoba) 

Director of research group
Plan Andaluz Investigación: RNM130

Carmen Galán Soldevilla

Dpto. Botánica, Ecología y Fisiol. Vegetal
Edif. Celestino Mutis, 3ª planta (C4)
Campus de Rabanales
14071 Córdoba
Tfno: 957- 218719
Fax: 957-218598
e-mail: aerobiologia@uco.es

Carmen Galán Soldevilla
Catedrática de la Universidad de Córdoba
e-mail: bv1gasoc@uco.es

Eugenio Domínguez Vilches
Catedrático de la Universidad de Córdoba
e-mail: edominguez@uco.es

Felix Infante García-Pantaleón
Catedrático de la Universidad de Córdoba
e-mail: bv1ingaf@uco.es

Julia Angulo Romero
Catedrática Escuela Universitaria de la Universidad de Córdoba
e-mail: bv1anroj@uco.es

Purificación Alcázar Teno
Contratado Doctor
e-mail: rea@uco.es

Herminia García Mozo
Investigador Ramón y Cajal
e-mail: bv2gamoh@uco.es

Paloma Cariñanos González
Profesora Titular de la Universidad de Granada
e-mail: palomacg@ugr.es

Mª José Velasco Jiménez
e-mail: bv2vejim@uco.es

Jose Antonio Oteros Moreno
e-mail: b42otmoj@uco.es

Jesús Cebrino Cruz
e-mail: yesucc@gmail.com

Alvaro Quintana Berlanga
e-mail: a62qubea@uco.es

María del Pilar Plaza García
e-mail: o02piplm@uco.es

Antonio Velasco Blanco
T.S. Apoyo Docencia e Investigación
e-mail: avelasco@uco.es


The main activities developed by the Aerobiologia research group in the University of Córdoba are:

Coordinator centre of the Spanish Aerobiology Network. The group receives the pollen data from the different Spanish cities and elaborates the current pollen information and a forecast for the next week. The National and European pollen data bases are update. Web: www.uco.es/rea.

Coordinator centre of the Andalusia Aerobiology Network. The group receives the pollen data from the 8 provinces of Andalusia and some rural zones and elaborates current pollen information and a forecast at regional level. The regional pollen data base is also update. Web: www.uco.es/raa.

Edition of The International Journal of Aerobiology (Aerobiologia) included in the Thomson’s ISI Journal Citation Report. Web: http://www.springer.com/environment/journal/10453

Management of the samplers placed in Córdoba, Hornachuelos (Córdoba), Baena (Córdoba), Priego de Córdoba (Córdoba) and Chirivel (Almería) and analysis of their samples. There is daily pollen information of these areas or even hourly information of the pollen concentration in the air of the study areas.

Research projects related to methodology, control of allergens by immunoassay, agronomy, climate change and biodiversity.

Aerobiología en Córdoba: aerobiologia@uco.es