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Revista Internacional de Investigación sobre Magia y Astrología


International Journal of Research on Ancient Magic and Astrology






            The Editors of MHNH, on our own behalf and on that of the Scientific Committee invite all scholars who might be interested, whether directly or not, in the subjects of ancient Magic and Astrology to collaborate in this new enterprise. Our pages are open to any scholar who has something to say about any of the aspects of this field of research, be it about contents or about the material aspects, such as epigraphic, papyrological, codicological or linguistic of magic or astrologi­cal texts. The prestige of the members belonging to the Scientific Committee, who are going to control the quality of the manuscripts, will be guarantee enough. But the authors and collaborators will be responsible for their views or ideas -except in case of errors or omisions arising during the process of composition and editing.


Each number -except the first one- will contain three permanent sections which, nevertheless, will be subject to change according to the contributions in each case. These are the following:


1.         Studia. This section will contain long articles on cultural, historical, tech­nical, linguistic, textual or archaeological aspects relating to ancient Magic and/or Astrology. We set as chronological limit the sixth century AD which will only be obviated in the case of a study clarifying -by means of later texts- ancient magic or astrological questions. Approximately 100 pages will be devoted to it.


2.            Notabilia. This section will contain brief notes and information on the basic subjects of the Journal, such as textual or archaeological novelties. It will also contain the editing of brief documents from manuscripts, papyri or inscrip­tions, or the revision and reediting of others already published. Translation and Commentary on the text will be included. About 50 pages will be given over for this section.


3.            Reviews and critical surveys, either short or long, of new books on Magic and Astrology received by the Editors of MHNH. Again, about 50 pages will be kept for this section.






Material prepared for publication in MHNH should conform to the following guideliness:


1.            Languages: Manuscripts may be written in any of this languages: English, French, German, Italian, Latin, Portuguese, Spanish


2.            Abstracts: Long articles (those meant to be ja the Section Studia) will be sent together with an abstract not longer than 7 lines.


3.         Format: Manuscripts must be typed or printed double-spaced on letter-size paper (DIN A 4), text and notes separately, with a maximum of 30 lines per page and a left-hand margin of not less than 4 cm. The length of manuscripts for articles must not exceed 25 pages without previous agreement with the editors. We would very much appreciate this version on paper to be accom­panied by an electronic version (Apple MacWord or PC Microsoft Word Windows 6.0, or earlier), either on floppy disk (Macintosh or IBM-compati­ble) or, better still, as an attached file to an e-mail message.


4.            Bibliography: The text of the paper should be followed by a list of refe­rences, including at least those works cited more than twice in the notes.


5.            Citations in notes: Names of ancient authors should not be capitalized, names of modern authors should be capitalized only when in notes or in the bibliography: E CUMONT (note), but E Cumont (main text).


A. Frequent citations (more than twice): Refer to the bibliography, citing by authors name, year of edition, and pages: e.g. E.M. BUTLER, 1949, PP. 30-35.

B. Single citations: Either follow the procedure indicated in 2 A or incor­porate the entire reference in the notes, following the following conven­tions, which are the same as for the bibliography (with the single excep­tion that in the bibliography the surname should precede the initial, e.g. BUTLER, E.M., Ritual Magic, Cambridge, 1949):


a) Books: author (in the case of joint authorship, separated by a comma, with the final author preceded by &), comma, ti tie of work in italics, comma, volumen in Roman numerais (where applicable), comma, place of publication, comma, year (with superscript number of edition if not the first, and year of the first edition in parenthesis), comma, and pages cited:


-E. DE MARTINO, Il mondo magico, Torino, 1948, PP. 84-95.


-E BOLL, C. BEZOLD & W. GUNDEL, Sternglauhe und Sterndeutung. Die Geschichte und das Wesen der Astro/ogie. Leipzig, 1931.


b) Articles: For the abbreviations of journals follow the conventions of L'Année Philologique: author, comma, title in quotation marks, comma, name of journal, comma, volume number in Arabic numerals, year in parenthesis, and pages (without abbreviation if they correspond to the entire article):


-A.H. KRAPPE, "Tiberius and Thrasyllus", AJP, 48 (1927) 359-366.

-D. JORDAN, "Defixiones from a Wall near the Southwest Corner of the Athenian Agora", Hesperia, 54 (1985), PP. 210-212.


c) Works in collaborative volumes: Cite as with articles, followed by the citation of the collaborative work (if cited several times, according to the same conventions as under 1 above: e.g. H. KYRIELEIS, "Qeoi= ) (oratoi/. Zur Sternsymbolik hellenistischer Herrscherbildnisse", in Studien zur klassischen Archäologie. Festschr.: F Hiller, Saarbrücken, 1986, PP. 55-72.


6. Citations from ancient authors:


-Abbreviations of Greek works and authors: for preference, cite according to conventions of DGE of  F. Rodríguez Adrados (ed.); it is also possible to follow Liddell & Scott.


-Abbreviations of Latin works and authors: follow the Thesaurus Linguae Latinae.


-Authors cited with title of work: e.g. X., Mem. 4.5,2-3; X., HG 1.5,2; Eus., PE 15.20,1 = SVF 1128; Arist., GA 728 a 10-11; Pl., R. 9.576b; Pl., Ti. 87c; Hom., Od. 10.203.


-Authors cited without title of book: e.g. B., 1 35; Paus., V 23.5; Antipho, 1 12; D.S., XXXI 8.2; Str., 1 5.


7.         Notes References: References (in arabic numbers) to the foot notes must precede always the signs of punctuation.


8.         Greek and Astrological Fonts: For Greek texts, Graeca (Mac or PC br Windows) must be used. For Astrological signs, please send Font with the text.