Departamento de Informática y Análisis Numérico

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Suggestion mailbox

On July 24, 2013, the Regulation of Complaints, Suggestions and Congratulations of the University of Córdoba was published in the Official Gazette of the Andalusian Government. This regulation establishes a single management system for them, with the aim of ensuring uniform treatment of all complaints, suggestions and congratulations made by members of the university community and citizens in general, regardless of their nature or subject matter.

The aforementioned citation regulates the procedure for submitting complaints, suggestions and congratulations and the circuit they have to follow to fulfill their function as an element of continuous improvement of the services offered by the University. Specifically, article 3 of this regulation provides that the presentation of complaints, suggestions or congratulations may be made:

  •  Telematically, through the Electronic Registry of the University of Cordoba, by means of procedure specifically enabled for it in the Electronic Office of the University of Córdoba. To use this option, it is essential to have a digital certificate or DNI-e, since they have to be signed with the electronic signature of the interested party.
  • Personally, on paper, at the General Registry Office (Rector's Office), at the Auxiliary Registry of the Rabanales Campus (Government Building) or at the other places of presentation provided for in article 38.4 of Law 30/1992 of Legal Regimen of Public Administrations and Common Administrative Procedure.

The electronic address of the mailbox for complaints and suggestions that the University of Córdoba has implemented to manage this procedure electronically is: