I.P. Rafael María Rubio Ruiz. Universidad de Córdoba
Name of group: Lorentzian and Riemannian Geometry
Reference: PAIDI: FQM398
Web address: http://uco.es/geometria

Members of the Department that belong to the group: Alma L. Albujer, Magdalena Caballero, Alfonso García-Parrado, Jónatan Herrera y Rafael M. Rubio

Lines of investigation:
  • Analysis of temporal and luminous geodesics in space-time
  • Causal structure of space-times: trapped surfaces, dynamic horizons, black holes, causal and conformal asymptotic border
  • Transformation groups in space-times
  • Hyper surfaces in symmetrical spaces
  • Spatial hyper surfaces of constant mean curvature
  • Geometric Models of Mathematical Physics
  • Variational problems in geometry and their applications in physics
  • Surfaces trapped in space-times
  • Minimal surfaces