@inbook{Capitulo-TimeSeriesML, author = "Antonio Manuel Dur{\'a}n-Rosal and David Guijo-Rubio", editor = "CRC Press", isbn = "9781003104858", pages = "161-176", title = "{M}achine {L}earning {A}pplications in {R}eal-{W}orld {T}ime {S}eries {P}roblems ", url = "https://www.taylorfrancis.com/chapters/edit/10.1201/9781003104858-10/machine-learning-applications-real-world-time-series-problems-antonio-manuel-dur%C3%A1n-rosal-david-guijo-rubio", volume = "1", year = "2023", } @inbook{GuijoUCO2019Capitulo, author = "David Guijo-Rubio and Pedro Antonio Guti{\'e}rrez and C{\'e}sar Herv{\'a}s-Mart{\'i}nez", editor = "UCO Press", isbn = "978-84-9927-341-9", month = "February", pages = "641--644", series = "Creando Redes Doctorales", title = "{P}redicci{\'o}n de altura de ola mediante discretizaci{\'o}n basada en distribuciones utilizando clasificaci{\'o}n ordinal", volume = "Vol. VII: Investiga y Comunica", year = "2019", } @inbook{Guijo-Jovenes-UCO16-Capitulo, author = "David Guijo-Rubio and Antonio Manuel Dur{\'a}n-Rosal and Pedro Antonio Guti{\'e}rrez and C{\'e}sar Herv{\'a}s-Mart{\'i}nez", editor = "UCOPress", isbn = "978-84-9927-291-7", month = "November", pages = "201-204", series = "Investigando por un futuro mejor", title = "{C}lustering de {S}eries {T}emporales basado en la {E}xtracci{\'o}n de {T}ipolog{\'i}as de {S}egmentos", year = "2016", } @inbook{ATallonLibro2013, author = "Antonio Tall{\'o}n-Ballesteros and C{\'e}sar Herv{\'a}s-Mart{\'i}nez and Pedro Antonio Guti{\'e}rrez", abstract = "This chapter considers a recent algorithm to add broader diversity at the beginning of the evolutionary process and extends it to sigmoidal neural networks. A simultaneous evolution of architectures and weights is performed with a two-stage evolutionary algorithm. The methodology operates with two initial populations, each one containing individuals with different topologies which are evolved for a small number of generations, selecting the half best individuals from each population and combining them to constitute a single population. At this point, the whole evolutionary cycle is applied to the new population. This idea was previously proposed by us for product unit neural networks, and we now extend to sigmoidal neural networks. The experimentation has been carried out on twelve data sets from the UCI repository and two complex real-world problems which differ in their number of instances, features and classes. The results have been contrasted with nonparametric statistical tests and show that our proposal significantly improves the test accuracy of the models with respect to the obtained ones with a standard methodology based on a single population. Moreover, the new proposal is much more efficient than other methods developed previously by us. ", chapter = "9", doi = "10.1007/978-3-642-32177-1_9", editor = "I. Jordanov and L.C. Jain", isbn = "978-3-642-32177-1", pages = "139-153", publisher = "Springer", series = "Studies in Computational Intelligence Innovations in Intelligent Machines -3 Contemporary Achievements in Intelligent Systems", title = "{A}n {E}xtended {A}pproach of a {T}wo-{S}tage {E}volutionary {A}lgorithm in {A}rtificial {N}eural {N}etworks for {M}ulticlassification {T}asks", url = "http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-32177-1_9", volume = "442/2013", year = "2013", } @inbook{CruzRamirez2012BOOK, author = "Manuel Cruz-Ram{\'i}rez and C{\'e}sar Herv{\'a}s-Mart{\'i}nez", chapter = "2", editor = "Juan Carlos Cubero Talavera and Antonio Gonz{\'a}lez Mu{\~n}oz and Nicol{\'a}s Mar{\'i}n Ruiz", pages = "13--28", publisher = "Universidad de Granada", title = "{M}emetic {M}ulti-{O}bjective {A}lgorithm based on {D}ifferential {E}volution to {D}esign {A}rtificial {N}eural {N}etworks: {A}pplications ({N}ew trends on intelligent systems and soft computing)", year = "2012", } @inbook{Becerra2010a, author = "David Becerra-Alonso and V. Tereshko", chapter = "Local and ", editor = "World Scientific Publishing Company", month = "January", publisher = "C. Skiadas", title = "{C}haotic {S}ystems: {T}heory and {A}pplications.", year = "2010", } @inbook{GHMC2008, author = "Pedro Antonio Guti{\'e}rrez and C{\'e}sar Herv{\'a}s-Mart{\'i}nez and Francisco Jos{\'e} Mart{\'i}nez-Estudillo and Mariano Carbonero-Ruz", address = " ", chapter = " ", edition = " ", editor = " ", month = " ", number = " ", pages = "1136--1144", publisher = "Information Science Reference", series = " ", title = "{M}ultilogistic {R}egression by {P}roduct {U}nits", type = " ", volume = " ", year = "2008", } @inbook{RVHE2006, author = "C. Romero and S. Ventura and C{\'e}sar Herv{\'a}s-Mart{\'i}nez and P.G. Espejo", address = " ", chapter = " ", edition = " ", month = " ", number = " ", pages = "171--188", publisher = "WitPress", series = " ", title = " {R}ule {M}ining with {GBGP} to improve web-based adaptive educational systems", type = " ", volume = " ", year = "2006", } @inbook{HHOS2004, author = "F. Herrera and C{\'e}sar Herv{\'a}s-Mart{\'i}nez and J. Otero and L. S{\'a}nchez", address = " ", chapter = " ", edition = " ", editor = " ", month = " ", number = " ", pages = "403--412", publisher = "DigitalTres", series = " ", title = "{U}n estudio emp{\'i}rico preliminar sobre los test estad{\'i}sticos m{\'a}s habituales en el aprendizaje autom{\'a}tico", type = " ", volume = " ", year = "2004", } @inbook{HGO2003, author = "C{\'e}sar Herv{\'a}s-Mart{\'i}nez and N. Garc{\'i}a and D. Ortiz-Boyer", address = " ", chapter = " ", edition = " ", editor = " ", month = " ", number = " ", pages = "297--306", publisher = "Springer-Verlag", series = " ", title = "{C}onfidence interval based crossover using {L}1 norm localization estimator for real-coded genetic algorithms", type = " ", volume = " ", year = "2003", }