versión española  
Genética Molecular de la Patogénesis Fúngica Genética Molecular de la Patogénesis Fúngica
home research group teaching contact
Degree in Biology
Degree in Biochemistry
Master in Molecular, Cellular and Genetics Biotechnology
Master in Plant Production, Protection and Breeding
PhD Program in Biosciences and Agrifood Sciences
Degree in Biochemistry
Areas of expertise that will be acquired, professional profile and employment prospect
  1. CKnowledge of the organization and function of biological systems at the molecular level and the chemical transformations of biological processes.
  2. Ability to apply the knowledge acquired to the professional world (research and development), using the scientific method to solve problems in the Molecular Biosciences area.
  3. Ability to transmit information to other professionals and laypeople.
  4. Learning ability for subsequent specialized studies.
  5. Capacity to assimilate scientific and technological innovations.
Subjects taught
  “Molecular and Genetic Engineering” (2nd year)
  “Final Project for Degree in Biochemistry” (4th year)
Research Lines
PhD Theses
Master Projects


Current group members
Former group members
Degree in Biology
Degree in Biochemistry
Master in Molecular, Cellular
and Genetics Biotechnology

Master in Plant Production, Protection
and Breeding

PhD Program in Biosciences
and Agrifood Sciences


  Universidad de Cordoba | Campus de Rabanales, Edif. Gregor Mendel C5, 1st floor | E-14071 Cordoba, Spain | Tel. +34 957218981 | Fax +34 957212072