e-Expert Seminar Series: Translation and Language Teaching

e-Expert Seminar Series: Translation and Language Teaching 7:

Training the Experts in Medical Translation


Free live broadcast from University College London (UK)

Date and time of event: Tuesday 13th June 2023 and Monday 12th September 2023.

University College London (UK) and the University of Córdoba (Spain) are proud to announce the 7th E-Expert Seminar in Translation and Language Teaching on Training the Experts in Medical Translation. This event is free to attend.

For the first time in the series, our 7th edition, hosted by UCL, will take place on two different dates in its usual hybrid format:

· Part 1: Tuesday 13 June 2023. UCL & IAS.
· Part 2: Tuesday 12 September 2023. UCL.

This is a hybrid event. Online attendance is provided via a Zoom Webinar. Face-to-face places for Part 1 are limited to 60 attendees at the IAS’ Common Room (South Wing Institute of Advanced Studies Room G11. IAS Common Ground Room G11 is located in the South Wing of University College London’s Bloomsbury Campus, near the Gower St entrance). Face-to-face places for Part 2 will be confirmed later on, and attendees will be notified.

This virtual expert seminar aims to create a shared space for reflection on topics related to translation and language teaching. The conference will be held in English and Spanish using a video conferencing tool.

For those requiring a certificate:
· PhD students from the University of Córdoba or a partner university (Extremadura, Huelva, Jaén) can obtain a free certificate upon attendance and completion of a final report following both events (please contact Dr Soledad Díaz (lr2dials@uco.es) or Azahara Veroz (z92vegom@uco.es), should you have any questions). UCL and IAS students can request a free certificate upon attendance at both events without having to submit a final report.
· Other attendees can request a certificate of attendance if they provide evidence they have attended both parts. Participants will be required to complete a form in mid-September (please await instructions).

Should you be interested in any of our previous e-seminars, please find a list of our e-books here: http://www.uco.es/ocs/index.php/ees6/index/pages/view/ebooks. Purchases need to be made directly on the publisher’s website.

This event is free to attend and is partially funded by the Institute of Advanced Studies (IAS) and the University of Córdoba’s Doctoral School.

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