Elementos filtrados por fecha: Lunes, 25 Junio 2018

Este seminario será inaugurado el 14 de julio por el equipo del CSIC responsable de las excavaciones en el santuario tartéssico del Turuñuelo de Guareña 

La Escuela Politécnica Superior de Belmez acoge del 14 al 22 de julio la tercera edición del curso de Arqueología del Alto Guadiato en el Valle del Alto Guadiato-Córdoba (Beturia Túrdula/Ager Mellariensis) centrado en torno al oppidum ibérico de Belmez. Las primeras excavaciones arqueológicas desarrolladas en el pantano de Sierra Boyera en diciembre, gracias a la bajada del nivel de las aguas, sacaron a la luz un asentamiento ibérico en un estado de conservación excepcional. 

Publicado en Humanidades

Research performed by a team at the School of Education at the University of Cordoba shows an indirect relationship between empathy and the development of prejudices by means of personality and ideological attitudes
This is a subject that is hard to define and harder still to conceptually frame as the subject of a study, due to the overlap with other traits like emotional intelligence or kindness. According to some theories, it is roughly “putting yourself in another person’s shoes.” University of Cordoba Education Professor José Luis Álvarez Castillo defines empathy as “the ability to see things from another person’s perspective from a cognitive and emotional point of view.” That is to say, to imagine and understand other people’s beliefs and opinions and experience their feelings and emotions, understanding and feeling the world through their eyes.