A team at the University of Córdoba verifies that large biodiversity databases, in which citizens record observations of flora, are capable of calibrating joint species distribution models, even when conducted individually, provided that more than 50% of the species in the area have been recorded

A team at the University of Cordoba and IMIBIC tests the protective effect of a fermented black garlic extract against inflammation and the progression of prostate cancer in a study conducted on human prostate cancer cell models in the laboratory.

A UCO study manages to optimize the energy yield of the graphene synthesis process by building a Faraday cage around a plasma torch. The process, which has already been registered for evaluation as a patent, could be an important step towards the industrial-scale production of one of the most promising materials in recent years

98% of women suffer street harassment, and 80% of them do so a monthly basis, according to a study by the Department of Psychology at the UCO in which 245 women participated

A team from the Department of Agronomy proposes a method to calculate, compare and communicate how different crops affect the loss of agricultural soil, with the aim of raising awareness of this problem and promoting solutions to preserve this vital resource

A genome study of more than 700 European red deer has identified four distribution areas on the continent (Norway, Scotland, Spain and Central Europe), each with their own genetic characteristics that need to be preserved

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