RESEARCH (English)

The Architecture and Computers Technology Area take part in the following invetigation groups:
        Grupo de Arquitecturas Avanzadas de Computadores (GAAC)

Moreover I take part in Intelligent System Group.

Link to Curriculum Vitae Normalizado at SICA

Currently I am working in my PhD about "Extensión de un modelo genético iterativo a problemas de clasicación ordinal". 

Here you are severals tools about the topic:

Java appplication to get classification, regression and ordinal classification metrics

- NVSLOrd.v1 - Preliminar version of NSLVOrd learning algorithm which is a fuzzy rule learning algorithm based on the use of the iterative rule learning with a genetic algorithm to search the best rule.


*  Gámez, J. C.; García, D.; González, A. & Pérez, R. "Un algoritmo de clasificación ordinal basado en el modelo de recubrimiento secuencial" , Actas de la XVI Conferencia de la Asociación Española para la Inteligencia Artificial, 2015, 529-538 URL [pdf][bibtex]

*  Gámez, J. C.; García, D.; González, A. & Pérez, R. "Ordinal Classification based on the Sequential Covering Strategy " , International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, 2016, DOI: [pdf][bibtex]

Previously I have worked in  "Uso de técnicas de aprendizaje para la mejora de la interacción robot-persona". The Kinect camera is used in the given thesis as an environment capture system for Human-Robot interaction problem.

In this work I have realized a conversion from Biwi Kinect Head Pose Database images (Gabriele Fanelli) to ".oni" files which you can use with OpenNI. In this process it is also used OpenCV.

Next you can see a link to this database file ONI and the code that I have used to realize the conversion.

Biwi Kinect Head Pose Database in .oni format.

Code for conversion (CodeBlock project)


Gámez J.C., González A., Pérez R.'Uso de técnicas de preprocesamiento de imágenes y aprendizaje para la detección de cambios de atención de una persona en procesos de interacción persona-robot'. (Robot 2011) [pdf]

* Gámez J.C., González A., Pérez R.'Un modelo difuso para la estimación de la atención en procesos de interacción robot-persona'. (Waf 2010, Cedi 2010) [pdf]