RNM 232

Código: RNM232

Nombre: Ecología terrestre

Responsable: Diego Jordano Barbudo

  • Diego Jordano Barbudo
  • Rafael Villar Montero
  • Joaquin Reyes Lopez
  • Carlos Rouco Zufiaurre
  • Enrique G. de la Riva
  • Barbara Lopez Iglesias
  • Francisco Conde Delgado
  • Salvador Arenas Castro
  • Ecología de insectos
  • Ecología Vegetal
  • Interacciones Planta-Animal
  • Ecología y gestión de fauna silvestre
  • Rouco, C., Aguayo-Adán, J.A., Santoro, S., Abrantes, J., Delibes-Mateos, M. (2019). Worldwide rapid spread of the novel rabbit haemorrhagic disease virus (GI.2/RHDV2/b). Transboundary and Emerging Diseases 66(4):1762-1764.
  • Hofman et al. (2018). Right on track? Performance of satellite telemetry in terrestrial wildlife research. PLosOne 14(5): e0216223.
  • Rouco, C., Farfán, M.A., Olivero, J., Arias de Reyna, L., Villafuerte, R., Delibes-Mateos, M. (2019). Favourability for the presence of wild rabbit warrens in motorways verges: implications for the spread of a native pest species. Ecological Indicators 104: 398-404.
  • Rouco, C., Barrio, I.C., Crilli, F., Tortosa, F.S., Villafuerte, R. (2019). Supplementary food reduces home ranges of European wild rabbits in an intensive agricultural landscape. Mammalian Biology 95: 35-40.
  • Lopes, A.M., Rouco, C., Esteves, P.J., Abrantes, J. (2019). GI.1b/GI.1b/GI.2 recombinant rabbit hemorrhagic disease virus 2 (Lagovirus europaeus/GI.2) in Morocco, Africa. Archives in Virology 169(1): 279-283.
  • Arenas-Castro, S., Gonçalves, J., Moreno, M., & Villar, R. (2019). Projected climate changes are expected to decrease the suitability and production of olive varieties in southern Spain. Science of The Total Environment, 136161.
  • de la Riva EG, I Prieto, R Villar (2019). The leaf economic spectrum drives leaf litter decomposition in Mediterranean forests. Plant and Soil, 435: 353–366.
  • Salazar PC, Navarro-Cerrillo RM, Grados N, Cruz G, Barrón V, Villar R (2019). Tree size and leaf traits determine the fertility island effect in Prosopis pallida dryland forest in Northern Peru. Plant and Soil 437: 117-135.
  • Salazar PC, Navarro-Cerrillo RM, Cruz G, Grados N, Villar R (2019). Variability in growth and biomass allocation and the phenotypic plasticity of seven Prosopis pallida populations in response to water availability. Trees 33: 1409–1422.
  • Rouco, C., Jewell, C., Richardson, K.S., French, N.P., Buddle, B., Tompkins, D. (2018). Brushtail possum (Trichosurus vulpecula) social interactions, and their implications for bovine tuberculosis transmission and persistence in a wildlife host. Behaviour 155: 621-637.
  • Delibes-Mateos, M., Castro, F., Piorno, V., Ramírez,E., Blanco-Aguiar, J.A., Aparicio, F., Mínguez, L.E., Ferreira, C., Rouco, C., Ríos-Saldaña, C.A., Recuerda, P., Villafuerte, R. (2018). First assessment of the potential introduction by hunters of eastern cottontail rabbits (Sylvilagus floridanus) in Spain. Wildlife Research 45:571-577.
  • Pacios, I., Moreno, S., Selman, C., Rouco, C. (2018). Oxidative stress in wild European rabbits naturally infected with myxoma virus and rabbit haemorrhagic disease virus. European Journal of Wildlife Research 64(4): 47.
  • Rouco, C., Abrantes, J., Serronha, A., Lopes, A.M., Maio, E., Magalhães, M.J., Esteves, P.J., Santos, N., Alves, P.C., Monterroso, P. (2018). Epidemiology of RHDV2 (Lagovirus europaeus/GI.2) in free living wild European rabbits in Portugal. Transboundary and Emerging Diseases. 65(2): e373-e382.
  • Delibes-Mateos, M., Farfán, M.A., Rouco, C., Olivero, J., Márquez, A.L., Fa, J., Vargas, J.M., Villafuerte, R. (2018). A large-scale assessment of European rabbit damage to agriculture in Spain. Pest Management Science 74(1): 111-119.
  • de la Riva EG, Villar R, Pérez-Ramos IM, Quero JL, Matías L, Poorter L, Marañón, T. (2018). Relationships between leaf mass per area and nutrient concentrations in 98 Mediterranean woody species are determined by phylogeny, habitat and leaf habit. Trees 32: 497-510. DOI 10.1007/s00468-017-1646-z
  • de la Riva EG, Marañón T, Pérez-Ramos IM, Navarro-Fernández CM, Olmo M, Villar R (2018) Root traits across environmental gradients in Mediterranean woody communities: are they aligned along the root economics spectrum? Plant Soil 424: 35-48. DOI 10.1007/s11104-017-3433-4
  • Salazar PC, Navarro-Cerrillo R, Cruz G, Villar R (2018). Intraspecific leaf functional trait variability of eight Prosopis pallida tree populations along a climatic gradient of the dry forests of northern Peru. Journal of Arid Environment 152: 12-20 doi https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jaridenv.2018.01.010
  • Olmo M, Villar R (2018). Changes in root traits explain the variability of biochar effects on fruit production in eight agronomic species. Organic Agriculture 9: 139-153. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13165-018-0217-y
  • de la Riva EG, Lloret F, Pérez-Ramos IM, Marañón T, Saura-Mas S, Díaz-Delgado R, Villar R (2017) The importance of functional diversity in the stability of Mediterranean shrubland communities after the impact of extreme climatic events. Journal of Plant Ecology 10: 281–293. doi:10.1093/jpe/rtw027.
  • Bongers FJ, Olmo M, Lopez-Iglesias B, Anten N, Villar R (2017) Drought responses, phenotypic plasticity and survival of Mediterranean species in two different microclimatic sites. Plant Biology 19: 386–395. DOI:10.1111/plb.12544.
  • Pérez-Ramos I, Díaz-Delgado R, de la Riva E, Villar R, Lloret F, Maranon T (2017) Climate variability and community stability in Mediterranean shrublands: the role of functional diversity and soil environment. Journal of Ecology 105: 1335–1346. Doi: JEcol-2016-0805.R1.
  • John G, Scoffoni C, Buckley TN, Villar R, Poorter H, Sack L. (2017). The anatomical and compositional basis of leaf mass per area. Ecology Letters 20: 412–425. DOI:10.1111/ele.12739.
  • de la Riva EG, Marañón T, Violle C, Villar R, Pérez-Ramos IM (2017) Biogeochemical and Ecomorphological Niche Segregation of Mediterranean Woody Species along a Local Gradient. Frontiers in Plant Science 8:1242. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2017.01242.
  • Wright IJ, Dong N, Maire V, Prentice IC, Westoby M, Díaz S, Gallagher RV, Jacobs BF, Kooyman R, Law EA, Leishman MR, Niinemets Ü, Reich PB, Sack L, Villar R, Wang H, Wilf P. (2017). Global climatic drivers of leaf size. Science 357: 917–921.
  • de la Riva EG, Tosto A, Perez-Ramos IM, Navarro-Fernandez CM, Olmo M, Anten NPR, Marañon T, Villar R (2016) A plant economics spectrum in Mediterranean forests along environmental gradients: is there coordination among leaf, stem and root traits? Journal of Vegetation Science Doi: 10.1111/jvs.12341.
  • Olmo M, Lozano AM, Barrón V, Villar R (2016) Spatial heterogeneity of soil biochar content affects soil quality and wheat growth and yield. Science of the Total Environment 562: 690–700. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2016.04.089.
  • Lloret F, de la Riva EG, Pérez-Ramos IM, Marañón T, Saura-Mas S, Díaz-Delgado R, Villar R (2016) Climatic events inducing die-off in Mediterranean shrublands: are species’ responses related to their functional traits? Oecologia DOI 10.1007/s00442-016-3550-4.
  • de la Riva EG, Olmo M, Poorter H, Ubera JL, Villar R (2016) Leaf Mass per Area (LMA) and its relationship with leaf structure and anatomy in 34 Mediterranean woody species along a water availability gradient. Plos One DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0148788 February 11, 2016 pp 1-18.
  • Navarro-Fernández CM, Pérez-Ramos IM, Riva EG, Vera JR, Roumet C, Villar R, Marañón T (2016) Functional responses of Mediterranean plant communities to soil resource heterogeneity: a mycorrhizal trait-based approach. Journal of Vegetation Science 27: 1243–1253. Doi: 10.1111/jvs.12446.
  • de la Riva EG, Pérez-Ramos IM, Tosto A, Navarro-Fernández CM, Olmo M, Marañón T, Villar R (2015) Disentangling the relative importance of species occurrence, abundance and intraspecific variability in community assembly: a trait-based approach at the whole-plant level in Mediterranean forests. Oikos 125: 354–363. DOI: 10.1111/oik.01875.
  • Olmo M, Villar R, Salazar P, Alburquerque JA (2015) Changes in soil nutrient availability explain biochar’s impact on wheat root development. Plant and Soil 399: 333-343. DOI 10.1007/s11104-015-2700-5.
  • Mejora de las acciones preventivas para los nuevos lagovirus de la cuenca mediterranea: desarrollo y optimizacion de metodologias para la deteccion y control de patógenos. Convocatoria Programación Conjunta Internacional 2019 (Convocatoria PCI 2019-1). Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades. 95000 euros. IP: Carlos Rouco. Duración: 2019-2022.
  • Ecología funcional de los bosques andaluces y predicciones sobre sus cambios futuros (FOR-CHANGE). Junta de Andalucia. Convocatoria de Proyectos de I+D+i en el marco del Programa Operativo FEDER Andalucia 2014-2020. Convocatoria 2018. 51500 euros. IP: Rafael Villar Montero. Duración: 2020-21
  • Asistencia técnico científica para la evaluación de la casuística asociada a los daños dentro del proyecto Grupo operativo de prevención de daños en la agricultura producidos por el conejo. Contrato-OTRI con WWF Adena (REF 1218127). 2018. 5566 euros. IP: Carlos Rouco. Duración: 2018.
  • El funcionamiento de los bosques mediterráneos desde la perspectiva del análisis económico de la producción (ECO-MEDIT). Ref: CGL2014-53236-R. Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad. Cuantia: 88000 (costes directos) IP: Rafael Villar Montero. Duración: 2015-2018.
  • Importancia de rasgos vegetales claves en la distribución ecológica y en el éxito en la restauración del los ecosistemas (DIVERBOS). Ref: CGL2011-30285-C02-02. Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad. Cuantia: 143990 IP: Rafael Villar Montero. Duración: 2012-2014.
  • Rasgos funcionales de las poblaciones locales de algarrobo (Prosopis palida) y su influencia sobre los servicios ecosistémicos en las principales comunidades rurales del norte de Perú. Programa de Ciencia y Tecnología de Perú. Ref: 146-FINCyT-IB-2013. 107.188,24 euros. IP: Gastón Cruz Alcedo.
  • Dehesa Ecosystems: development of policies and tools for biodiversity conservation and management. Life11 BIO/ES/726. European Union. 01/10/2012 a 31/12/2018, 614.099 euros, IP: Consejería de Medio Ambiente, Junta de Andalucía.
  • Autor/a: Sabine Borges da Rocha. Título: Population ecology of freshwater turtles in urban areas of Southern Brazil. Directores: Carlos Rouco y Vanda Lúcia Ferreira. Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul en COTUTELA con la Universida de Córdoba, 2019.
  • Autor/a: Isabel Pacios Palma. Título: Effects of parasitosis (coccidiosis and helminthiasis) and viral diseases (myxomatosis and rabbit haemorrhagic disease) on the physiological condition and population dynamics of the wild European rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus). Directores: Sacramento Moreno y Carlos Rouco. Universidad de Pablo de Olavide y Estación Biológica de Doñana-CSIC, 2018.
  • Autor/a: Pablo Salazar Zarzosa. Título: Variabilidad funcional de Prosopis pallida frente a factores climáticos y edáficos en un gradiente ambiental en la costa norte de Perú. Directores: Rafael M. Navarro Cerrillo. Universidad de Córdoba, 2018. https://helvia.uco.es/xmlui/handle/10396/16300
  • Autor/a: Enrique García de la Riva. Título: Composición y diversidad funcional de plantas leñosas mediterráneas: desde la hoja a la comunidad. Directores: Teodoro Marañón, Ignacio Pérez-Ramos. Universidad de Córdoba, 2016. http://helvia.uco.es/xmlui/handle/10396/13484
  • Autor/a: Manuel Olmo Prieto. Título: Efectos del biochar sobre el suelo, las características de la raíz y la producción vegetal. Directores: Jose Antonio Alburquerque. Universidad de Córdoba, 2016. http://helvia.uco.es/xmlui/handle/10396/13381
  • Autor/a: Barbara López Iglesias. Título: Rasgos funcionales y su relación con el funcionamiento de las plantas. Universidad de Córdoba, 2015. http://helvia.uco.es/xmlui/handle/10396/12561