Influence of dog presence on the tolerance and evaluation of aversive stimulation

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Laura Sodré Galvão Garcia
Isabela Zaine
Camila Domeniconi


This study aimed to investigate the effects of the presence of a domestic dog in the evaluation and tolerance of auditory aversive stimulation. Eighteen undergraduate college students participated. We analysed the latency of escape response from the aversive sounds and evaluation of the session through a semantic differential in three conditions: no distractors, a book of paintings as a distractor, and a dog as a distractor. Latency of escape response  was significantly higher in the presence of a dog and participants also evaluated the session more positively, suggesting that dogs can positively affect the perception of an aversive stimulation. 


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Research papers
Author Biographies

Laura Sodré Galvão Garcia, Universidade Federal de São Carlos

Master of Psychology – Universidade Federal de São Carlos

Isabela Zaine, Universidade de São Paulo

Instituto de Ciências Matemáticas e de Computação of Universidade de São Paulo, and
Departamento de Psicologia, Fundação Hermínio Ometto – UNIARARAS.

Camila Domeniconi, Universidade Federal de São Carlos

Teacher at Department of Psychology


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