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Título del texto editado:
General tone of Castilian poetry
Autor del texto editado:
Hallam, Henry
Título de la obra:
Introduction to the Literature of Europe, in the Fifteenth, Sixteenth, and Seventeenth centuries, vol. 2
Autor de la obra:
Hallam, Henry
London: John Murray, 1837

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General tone of Castilian poetry

The poets of this age belong generally, more or less, to the Italian school. Many of them were also translators from Latin. In their odes, epistles and sonnets, the resemblance of style, as well as that of the languages, make us sometimes almost believe that we are reading the Italian instead of the Spanish Parnaso. There seem however to be same shades of difference even in those who trod the same path. The Castilian amatory verse is more hyperbolical, more full of extravagant metaphors, but less subtle, less prone to ingenious trifling, less blemished by verbal conceits than the Italian. Such at least is what has struck me in the slight acquaintance I have with the former. The Spanish poets are also more redundant in descriptions of nature, and more sensible to her beauties. I dare not assert that they have less grace and less power of exciting emotions; it may be my misfortune to have fallen rarely on such passages.


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2018M Luisa Díez, Paloma Centenera