Información sobre el texto

Título del texto editado:
The romances
Autor del texto editado:
Hallam, Henry
Título de la obra:
Introduction to the Literature of Europe, in the Fifteenth, Sixteenth, and Seventeenth centuries, vol. 3
Autor de la obra:
Hallam, Henry
London: John Murray, 1837

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Información técnica

The romances

The romances of the Cid and many others are referred by the most competent judges to the reign of Philip II. These are by no means among the best of Spanish romances, and we should naturally expect that so artificial a style as the imitation of ancient manners and sentiments by poets in wholly different state of society, though some men of talent might succeed in it, would soon degenerate into an affected mannerism. The Italian style continued to be cultivated: under Philip III, the decline of Spain in poetry, as in arms and national power, was not so striking as afterwards. Several poets belong to the age of that prince, and even that of Philip IV was not destitute of men of merited reputation. Among the best were two brothers, Lupercio and Bartholomew Argensola.


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2018M Luisa Díez, Paloma Centenera