EL MOKH, F., M. GARCIA-VILA, K. NAGAZ, MOHAMED MONCEF MASMOUDI, N. BEN MECHLIA, E. FERERES. 2017. Calibration of AquaCrop Salinity Stress Parameters for Barley Under Different Irrigation Regimes in a Dry Environment. In: Water and Land Security in Drylands, pp 43-55. Springer. Amsterdam. ISBN: 978-3-319-54020-7
FERERES, E., F.J. VILLALOBOS. 2016. Agriculture and Agricultural Systems. In Principles of Agronomy for Sustainable Agriculture. (F.J. Villalobos & E. Fereres Eds.). pp 1-12.
FERERES, E., F.J. VILLALOBOS. 2016. Agronomy and the Sustainability of Crop Production. In Principles of Agronomy for Sustainable Agriculture. (F.J. Villalobos & E. Fereres Eds.). pp 527-542.
FERERES, E., F.J. VILLALOBOS. 2016. Deficit Irrigation. In Principles of Agronomy for Sustainable Agriculture. (F.J. Villalobos & E. Fereres Eds.). pp 281-294.
GÓMEZ-MACPHERSON, H., J.A. GÓMEZ, F.ORGAZ, F.J. VILLALOBOS, E. FERERES. 2016. Soil conservation. In Principles of Agronomy for Sustainable Agriculture. (F.J. Villalobos & E. Fereres Eds.). pp 241-254.
GÓMEZ, J.A., F. ORGAZ, H. GÓMEZ-MACPHERSON, F.J. VILLALOBOS, E. FERERES. 2016. Tillage. In Principles of Agronomy for Sustainable Agriculture. (F.J. Villalobos & E. Fereres Eds.). pp 229-239.
GÓMEZ-MACPHERSON, H., F.J. VILLALOBOS, E. FERERES. 2016. Cropping and Farming Systems. In Principles of Agronomy for Sustainable Agriculture. (F.J. Villalobos & E. Fereres Eds.). pp 515-525
SADRAS, V.O., F.J. VILLALOBOS , E. FERERES. 2016. Crop Development and Growth. In Principles of Agronomy for Sustainable Agriculture. (F.J. Villalobos & E. Fereres Eds.). pp 141-158.
SADRAS, V.O., F.J. VILLALOBOS , E. FERERES. 2016. Limitations to Crop Productivity. In Principles of Agronomy for Sustainable Agriculture. (F.J. Villalobos & E. Fereres Eds.). pp 205-213.
SADRAS, V.O., F.J. VILLALOBOS , E. FERERES. 2016. Radiation Interception, Radiation Use Efficiency and Crop Productivity. In Principles of Agronomy for Sustainable Agriculture. (F.J. Villalobos & E. Fereres Eds.). pp 169-188.
SADRAS, V.O., F.J. VILLALOBOS , F. ORGAZ, E. FERERES. 2016. Effects of Water Stress on Crop Production. In Principles of Agronomy for Sustainable Agriculture. (F.J. Villalobos & E. Fereres Eds.). pp 189-204.
VILLALOBOS , F.J., E. FERERES. 2016. Principles of Agronomy for Sustainable Agriculture. (F.J. Villalobos & E. Fereres Eds.) 555p. Springer. Amsterdam. ISBN 978-3-319-46115-1
VILLALOBOS F.J., E. FERERES. 2016. Application of Herbicides and Other Biotic Control Agents. In Principles of Agronomy for Sustainable Agriculture. (F.J. Villalobos & E. Fereres Eds.). pp 471-485.
VILLALOBOS F.J., E. FERERES. 2016. Harvest and Conservation. In Principles of Agronomy for Sustainable Agriculture. (F.J. Villalobos & E. Fereres Eds.). pp 487-501.
VILLALOBOS F.J., E. FERERES, L. TESTI. 2016. Wind and Turbulent Transport. In Principles of Agronomy for Sustainable Agriculture. (F.J. Villalobos & E. Fereres Eds.). pp 43-53.
VILLALOBOS F.J., L. MATEOS, M. QUEMADA, A. DELGADO, E. FERERES. 2016. Control of Salinity. In Principles of Agronomy for Sustainable Agriculture. (F.J. Villalobos & E. Fereres Eds.). pp 295-320.
VILLALOBOS F.J., L. MATEOS, E. FERERES. 2016. Control of Weeds and Other Biotic Factors. In Principles of Agronomy for Sustainable Agriculture. (F.J. Villalobos & E. Fereres Eds.). pp 459-469.
VILLALOBOS F.J., L. MATEOS, E. FERERES. 2016. Irrigation Scheduling Using the Water Balance. In Principles of Agronomy for Sustainable Agriculture. (F.J. Villalobos & E. Fereres Eds.). pp 269-279.
VILLALOBOS F.J., J.P. DE MELO-ABREU, L. MATEOS, E. FERERES. 2016. The Radiation Balance. In Principles of Agronomy for Sustainable Agriculture. (F.J. Villalobos & E. Fereres Eds.). pp 27-41.
VILLALOBOS F.J., L. MATEOS, F. ORGAZ, E. FERERES. 2016. The Water Budget. In Principles of Agronomy for Sustainable Agriculture. (F.J. Villalobos & E. Fereres Eds.). pp 91-105.
VILLALOBOS F.J., L. MATEOS, L.TESTI, E. FERERES. 2016. Air Temperature and Humidity. In Principles of Agronomy for Sustainable Agriculture. (F.J. Villalobos & E. Fereres Eds.). pp 55-67.
VILLALOBOS F.J., F. ORGAZ, E. FERERES. 2016. Sowing and Planting. In Principles of Agronomy for Sustainable Agriculture. (F.J. Villalobos & E. Fereres Eds.). pp 217-227.
VILLALOBOS F.J., L.TESTI, L. MATEOS, E. FERERES. 2016. The Energy Balance. In Principles of Agronomy for Sustainable Agriculture. (F.J. Villalobos & E. Fereres Eds.). pp 79-90.
VILLALOBOS F.J., V.O. SADRAS, E. FERERES. 2016. Plant Density and Competition. In Principles of Agronomy for Sustainable Agriculture. (F.J. Villalobos & E. Fereres Eds.). pp 159-168.
VILLALOBOS F.J., L. TESTI, E. FERERES. 2016. Calculation of Evapotranspiration and Crop Water Requirement. In Principles of Agronomy for Sustainable Agriculture. (F.J. Villalobos & E. Fereres Eds.). pp 119-137.
VILLALOBOS F.J., L. TESTI, E. FERERES. 2016. The Components of Evapotranspiration. In Principles of Agronomy for Sustainable Agriculture. (F.J. Villalobos & E. Fereres Eds.). pp 107-118.
VILLALOBOS F.J., L. TESTI, L. MATEOS, E. FERERES. 2016. Soil Temperature and Soil Heat Flux. In Principles of Agronomy for Sustainable Agriculture. (F.J. Villalobos & E. Fereres Eds.). pp 69-77.
ZARCO-TEJADA, P.J., L. MATEOS, E. FERERES, F.J. VILLALOBOS. 2016. New Tools and Methods in Agronomy . In Principles of Agronomy for Sustainable Agriculture. (F.J. Villalobos & E. Fereres Eds.). pp 503-514
GÓMEZ, J.A., M.T. RODRÍGUEZ-CARRETERO, I.J. LORITE, E. FERERES 2014. Modeling to Evaluate and Manage Climate Change Effects on Water Use in Mediterranean Olive Orchards with Respect to Cover Crops and Tillage Management . In: Advances in Agricultural Systems Modeling, Practical Applications of Agricultural System Models to Optimize the Use of Limited Water (L.R. Ahuja, L. Ma, R. J. Lascano, Eds) 441p. ASA-CSSA-SSSA. USA. ISBN 978-0-89118-343-3

BELLVERT, J., P.J. ZARCO-TEJADA, V. GONZALEZ-DUGO, J. GIRONA and E. FERERES . 2013 Scheduling vineyard irrigation based on mapping leaf water potential from airborne thermal imagery. In precision agriculture '13 (J.V. Stafford). pp 699-704. Springer. Amsterdam. Isbn: 978-90-8686-224-5

FERERES, E. and GARCIA-VILA, M. 2013. Irrigation Management for Efficient Crop Production. In: Encyclopedia of Sustainability Science and Technology (R.A. Meyers, Ed.). pp. 5619-5632. Springer. Amsterdam.

FERERES, E., D. A. GOLDHAMER, and V.O. SADRAS . 2012. Yield Responses to Water of Fruit Trees and Vines: Guidelines. In: Crop Yield Response to Water. Irrigation & Drainage paper 66, (P. Steduto, T.C. Hsiao, E. Fereres and D. Raes, Eds), FAO, Rome, Italy. pp.246-295. http://www.fao.org/docrep/016/i2800e/i2800e00.htm

FERERES , E . 2012. AquaCrop applications. In: Crop Yield Response to Water. Irrigation & Drainage paper 66, (P. Steduto, T.C. Hsiao, E. Fereres and D. Raes, Eds), FAO, Rome, Italy. pp.50-68. http://www.fao.org/docrep/016/i2800e/i2800e00.htm

GARCIA-VILA, M. and E. FERERES . 2012. Sunflower. In: Crop Yield Response to Water. Irrigation & Drainage paper 66, (P. Steduto, T.C. Hsiao, E. Fereres and D. Raes, Eds), FAO, Rome, Italy. pp.164-170. http://www.fao.org/docrep/016/i2800e/i2800e00.htm

GIRONA, J. and E. FERERES . 2012. Peach. In: Crop Yield Response to Water. Irrigation & Drainage paper 66, (P. Steduto, T.C. Hsiao, E. Fereres and D. Raes, Eds), FAO, Rome, Italy. pp.392-406. http://www.fao.org/docrep/016/i2800e/i2800e00.htm

GUCCI, R. and E. FERERES . 2012. Olive. In: Crop Yield Response to Water. Irrigation & Drainage paper 66, (P. Steduto, T.C. Hsiao, E. Fereres and D. Raes, Eds), FAO, Rome, Italy. pp.300-313. http://www.fao.org/docrep/016/i2800e/i2800e00.htm

STEDUTO, P., D. RAES,T.C. HSIAO and E. FERERES. 2012. AquaCrop: concepts, rationale and operation. In: Crop Yield Response to Water. Irrigation & Drainage paper 66, (P. Steduto, T.C. Hsiao, E. Fereres and D. Raes, Eds), FAO, Rome, Italy. pp.17-49. http://www.fao.org/docrep/016/i2800e/i2800e00.htm

RAES, D., P. STEDUTO, T.C. HSIAO, E. FERERES. 2012 - Chapter 3, Calculation Procedures. AquaCrop (version 4.0). FAO.

STEDUTO, P., T.C. HSIAO, D. RAES and E. FERERES. 2012. Crop Yield Response to Water. Irrigation and Drainage # 66, FAO, via delle Terme di Caracalla, Rome, Italy. ISBN 978-92-5-107274-5.

FERERES, E., and M. GARCÍA-VILA . 2011. Irrigation Management for Efficient Crop Production. In: Encyclopedia of Sustainability Science and Technology. DOI 10.1007/978-1-4419-0851-3 Springer Science+Business Media, LLC.

FERERES, E., and V. GONZÁLEZ-DUGO. 2009. Improving Productivity to Face Water Scarcity in Irrigated AgriculturE. In: Crop Physiology. Applications for Genetic Improvement and Agronomy. (Eds. V.O. Sadras and D.F. Valderini) pp:123-143. Elsevier. Amsterdam.

SANTOS RUFO, C., I.J. LORITE, R.G. ALLEN, M. TASUMI, P. GAVILAN ZAFRA y E. FERERES CASTIEL. 2008. Mejora de la gestión de los recursos hídricos por medio de la integración de técnicas de teledetección y modelos de simulación. Accésit del IX Premio Unicaja de Investigación Agraria. Edición Analistas Económicos de Andalucía. 75p.

ORGAZ, F., F.J. VILLALOBOS, l. TESTI, M. PASTOR, J.C. HIDALGO MOYA y E. FERERES. 2005. Programación de riegos en plantaciones de olivar. Metodología para el cálculo de las necesidades de agua de riego en el olivar regado por goteo. En: Cultivo del Olivo con Riego Localizado. Pag. 83-139. Mundi-Prensa. Madrid.

MILGROOM, J., J.M. GARRIDO, M.A. SORIANO, J.A. GÓMEZ, and E. FERERES. 2005. Erosión en olivar ecológico. Manual de campo: diagnóstico y recomendaciones. ISBN: 84-8474-166-4. Junta de Andalucía. Sevilla. 109p.

LORITE, I., L. MATEOS, y E. FERERES. 2005. Modelos para la evaluación del uso y la productividad del agua de riego. En: Agua y Agronomía. (Eds. F.Martín de Santa Olalla, P. López y A. Calera) pp:489-521. Mundi-Prensa. Madrid.

FERERES, E., F. ORGAZ y M. PASTOR. 2005. Relaciones suelo-agua-planta. En: Cultivo del Olivo con Riego Localizado. Pag. 49-60. Mundi-Prensa. Madrid.

CONNOR D.J., and E. FERERES. 2005 The Physiology of Adaptation and Yield Expression in OlivE. In: Horticultural Reviews (31). (Eds. R. Darnell, I.B. Ferguson and S.C. Hokanson) pp:155-229. John Wiley & Sons, New Jersey, Canada .

GÓMEZ, J.A., and E. FERERES. 2004. Conservación de suelo y agua en el olivar andaluz en relación al sistema de manejo de suelo. (Eds. J.A. GÓMEZ y E. FERERES). p.67. Junta de Andalucía. Sevilla. ISBN: 84-8474-151-6

FERERES, E., and D.J. CONNOR 2004. Sustainable water management in agriculturE. In: ChALLENges of the New Water Policies for the XXI Century. (Eds. E.Cabrera and R. Cobacho) pp:157- 170. A .A. Balkema Publishers, Lisse, The Netherlands.

SORIANO, M.A., y E. FERERES. 2003. Utilización de cultivos para la fitorremediación de los suelos afectados por el vertido de Aznalcóllar. En: Ciencia y Restauración del Río Guadiamar, PICOVER 1998-2002. pp:271-276, Consejería de Medio Ambiente, J.A., Sevilla.

FERERES, E. 2003. Encyclopedia of Water Science, Water Management. Topical Editor. B. A. Stewart and T. A. Howell (eds.). Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York, USA. 1076 p.

VILLALOBOS, F.J., L. MATEOS, F. ORGAZ y E. FERERES. 2002. Fitotecnia: Bases y tecnologías de la producción agrícola. Mundi-Prensa, Madrid. 496 p. (Book on agronomy).

LORITE, I., L. MATEOS y E. FERERES. 2002. Diagnóstico de la gestión del riego en la zona regable del Genil-Cabra (Córdoba): pautas para la mejora. Folleto divulgativo, IAS-UCO. 14 pp.

KASSAM, A.H. and FERERES, E. 2002. Prospects for Water-Use Efficiency in the WANA Region. In: Agriculture, Environment and Human Welfare in West Asia and North Africa: The Search for Sustainability. Proceedings of a workshop held at ICARDA, 5-7 May 2002.

ORGAZ, F. and E. FERERES. 2001. Riego. En: El cultivo del olivo, 4ª edición (Eds. D. BARRANCO, R. FERNÁNDEZ-ESCOBAR y L. RALLO) pp:285-306. Mundi-Prensa, Madrid, España.

FERNÁNDEZ, M.D., F. ORGAZ, E. FERERES, J.C. LOPEZ, A. CÉSPEDES, J. PEREZ, S. BONACHELA y M. GALLARDO. 2001. Programación del riego de cultivos hortícolas bajo invernadero en el sudeste español. CAJAMAR, Almería, España. 78 pp.

FERERES, E. 2001. Manejo del agua en la agricultura. In: Agroecología y Desarrollo (J. LABRADOR and M.A. ALTIERI, Ed.) pp:265-278, Mundi-Prensa, Madrid.

FERERES, E., L. MATEOS y M.A. SORIANO. 2000. Seguimiento y fitorremediación de los suelos afectados por el vertido de las minas de Aznalcóllar (Parte II). In: Programa de Investigación del Corredor Verde del Guadiamar, PICOVER 1999-2002. pp:111-116. Consejería de Medio Ambiente, Junta de Andalucía, Sevilla, España.

FERERES, E. 2000. ‘Sin agua no habrá pan'. El agua y la alimentación en los inicios del tercer milenio. Academia de Ingeniería: Discurso inaugural del curso académico. Academia de Ingeniería (Ed.), Madrid. 22 pp.

FERERES E. y L. CHACON. 1999. Desarrollo Sostenible y Agricultura. In: Els llindars en la construcció de les relacions humanes i el medi ambient. Universitat de Lleida, pp:67-79.

FERERES, E. 1999. Las aportaciones de los centros internacionales de investigación agraria. In: La agricultura en el umbral del siglo XXI. 54-55. Foro Agrariol, Mundi-Prensa, Madrid, España.

FERERES E. 1998. Sustainability in Dryland Farming Systems. In: Technical and Social Systems Approaches for Sustainable Rural Development (Ed: Junta de Andalucía, Consejería de Agricultura y Pesca) pp: 77-81. Col. Congresos y Jornadas 45/98, DGIFA, Sevilla.

FERERES E. 1998. El agua y la productividad de los cultivos. En: Agricultura sostenible (Eds: R.M. JIMÉNEZ DÍAZ y J. LAMO DE ESPINOSA) pp: 215-226. Mundi-Prensa, Madrid.

ORGAZ, F. and E. FERERES . 1997. Riego. En: El Cultivo del olivo (Eds: D. BARRANCO, R. FERNÁNDEZ-ESCOBAR y L. RALLO) pp: 251-272. Mundi Prensa, Madrid.

GIMENEZ, C., F. ORGAZ and E. FERERES. 1997. Productivity in water-limited environments: dryland agricultural systems. In: Ecology in Agriculture (L.E. Jackson, Ed.) pp:117-143, Academic Press, San Diego, USA.

FERERES, E. and F. CEÑA . 1997. Social benefits and environmental constraints of irrigation in an era of water scarcity. In: Water: Economics, management and demand. (M. Kay, T. Franks and L. Smith, Eds) E & FN SPON, pp:128-136. Chapman and Hall, London.

FERERES, E. and C. STUBER. 1993. Improving Water Quality and UsE.- Discussion. In: D.R. Buxton, R. Shibles, R.A. Forsberg, B.L. blad, K.H. Asay, G.M. Paulsen and R.F. Wilson. International Crop Science I. Crop Science Society of America, Inc. USA. pp:101-102. Madison, Wisconsin.

FERERES, E., F. ORGAZ, and F.J. VILLALOBOS. 1993. Water use efficiency in sustainable Agricultural systems. In: D.R. Buxton, R. Shibles, R.A. Forsberg, B.L. Blad, K.H. Asay, G.M. Paulsen and R.F. Wilson. International Crop Science I. Crop Science Society of America Inc. Madison, Wisconsin, USA. pp:83-89

FERERES, E., J.M. FERNANDEZ, C. GIMENEZ, F. ORGAZ and M. PASTOR. 1991. Dryland cropping systems of Southwestern Spain: avenues for improvement. In: Improving Winter Cereals under Environmental Stress (E. Acevedo, E. FERERES, C. Giménez and J.P. Srivastava, Eds.) pp:467-477. INIA-ICARDA.

MARTIN, D., E. STEGMAN and E. FERERES. 1991. Irrigation scheduling principles. In: Irrigation Management Monograph (T. Howell and G. Hoffman, Eds.), pp:153-203. American Society of Agricultural Engineers. Saint Joseph, Michigan.

ACEVEDO, E. and E. FERERES. 1993. Resistance to biotic stress. In: Plant Breeding Principles and Prospects; (M.D. Hayward, N.O. Bosermar and I. Romagosa, eds.). pp:406-421. Chapman and Hall, London.

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FERERES, E. 1987. Responses to water deficits in relation to breeding for drought resistancE. In: Improving Winter Cereals for Moisture Limiting Environments. (Srivastava , J.P., Porceddu, E., Acevedo, E., Varma, S. Ed.). pp: 263-275. John Wiley, New York.

FERERES, E. 1988. Los sistemas de culivo en zonas semiáridas españolas. En: Las bases de la producción vegetal. (Romagosa, I, Royo C. y Avilla, J., Ed.). pp: 169-176. Asociación de Ingenieros Agrónomos de Cataluña, Barcelona,

FERERES, E. 1983. Short and long-term effects of irrigation on the fertility and productivity of soils. In: Nutrient balances and the need for fertilizers in semi-arid and arid regions. 17th Coll. Proc. Int. Potash Institute Bern, pp:283-303.

SCHULBACH,H., E. FERERES, B.R. HANSON, J.L. MEYER and F. K. ALJIBURY. 1981. Aspects of drip irrigation components, design and evaluation. In: Drip Irrigation Management. (E. FERERES, Technical Editor). University of California. Leaflet 21259. pp:25-32.

HENDERSON, D.W. and E. FERERES. 1981. Crop response to drip irrigation. In: Drip Irrigation Management. (E. FERERES, Technical Editor). University of California. Leaflet 21259. pp:6-7.

FERERES, E.; W.O. PRUITT, J. A. BEUTEL, D.W. HENDERSON, E. HOLZAPFEL, H. SCHULBACH and K. URIU. 1981. Evapotranspiration and drip irrigation scheduling. In: Drip Irrigation Management. (E. FERERES, Technical Editor). University of California. Leaflet 21259. pp:8-13.

FERERES, E., R.E. GOLDFIEN , W.O. PRUITT, D.W. HENDERSON and R.M. HAGAN. 1981. The irrigation management program: A new approach to computer assisted irrigation scheduling. In: Irrigation scheduling for water and energy conservation in the 80's. Amer. Soc. Agric. Engn. Spec. Pub, #20-81, pp 202-210.

FERERES, E. 1978. Irrigation of almonds, p. 71-77. In: Almond orchard management. University of California, Division of Agricultural Sciences Publication 4092

FERERES, E. 1977. Scheduling irrigations in walnuts based on evaporation measurements. In: Walnut orchard management, pp.60-74. University of California, Davis,

HSIAO, T.C., E. FERERES, E. ACEVEDO and D.W. HENDERSON. 1976. Water stress and dynamics of growth and yield of crop plants, p. 281-306. In: Water and plant lifE. Ecological studies 19. Springer-Verlag, New York.


Otras Publicaciones


FERERES E. Riesgos del Cambio Climático. ABC 3.

BERNI, J.A.J., P. ZARCO-TEJADA, V. GONZÁLEZ-DUGO, and FERERES E.. Remote sensing of thermal water stress indicators in peach. Acta Horticulturae 962: 325-331.

GONZÁLEZ-DUGO, V., L. SUÁREZ, C. RUZ, J.A.J. BERNI, P. ZARCO-TEJADA, M.A. SORIANO, and FERERES. E. Responses of nectarine to Regulated Deficit Irrigation at the field scale. Acta Horticulturae 962: 349-353.

LOPEZ-URREA, R., A. MONTORO, F. MAÑAS, P. LOPEZ-FUSTER, FERERES E.2012. Consumptive Water Use and Crop Coefficients of Mature 'Tempranillo' Grapevines in La Mancha, Spain. Acta Horticulturae 931:109-117.

SUÁREZ, L., P. ZARCO-TEJADA, V. GONZÁLEZ-DUGO, J.A.J. BERNI, and FERERES E. . 2012. The Photochemical Reflectance Index (PRI) as a water stress indicator in peach orchards from remote sensing imagery. Acta Horticulturae 962: 363-369.

FERERES, E ., F.J. VILLALOBOS, F. ORGAZ and L.TESTI. 2011. Water requirements and irrigation scheduling in olive. ActaHorticulturae (ISHS). 888:31-40.

HIDALGO,J. V. VEGA, J.C. HIDALGO, F. ORGAZ, FERERES E. and, M. PASTOR. 2011. International Symposium on Olive Irrigation and Oil Quality. Título: Responses to different irrigation strategies of a traditional and an intensive olive orchard cv. Picual in Andalusia, Spain. Nazareth (Israel). December 2009, Acta Horticulturae 888:53-62.

MONTORO, A., R. LÓPEZ URREA, F. MAÑAS, P. LÓPEZ-FUSTER and FERERES E.. 2011. Dendrometric Measurements in Grapevine (Vitisvinífera L. ‘Tempranillo' and ‘Cabernet Sauvignon') under Regulated Deficit Irrigation. Proceeding of the Sixth International Symposium on Irrigation of Horticultural Crops. Viñasdel Mar, Chile 2010, Acta Horticulturae889:113-122.

GONZALEZ-DUGO, V., RUZ, C., SORIANO, M.A., SUAREZ, L., BERNI, J.A.J., ZARCO-TEJADA, P., FERERES, E. 2011. Response to regulated deficit irrigation of a nectarine orchard in Southern Spain. ActaHorticulturae (ISHS), 922:217-220.

FERERES, E. 2010. Deficit irrigation for reducing agricultural water usE. Science Watch. http://sciencewatch.com/dr/fmf/2010/10janfmf/10janfmfFere/

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BROOKS, D.B., E. FERERES, C. FUENTES, J.M. CACHAZA. 2010. Grandes retos para la humanidad. Contrastes, 57:135-139.

FERERES, E. 2009. Trayectoria reciente de la agricultura y la alimentación: retos del futuro. Revista Española de Estudios Agrosociales y Pesqueros, 224:111-124.

FERERES, E. 2009. Agua, salud y ambientE. Eidon. 31:44-47.

PIRE, R., A. PEREIRA, J. DÍEZ y E. FERERES. 2007. Evaluación de la tolerancia a la sequía de un portainjerto venezolano de vid y posibles mecanismos condicionantes. Agrociencia, 41:435-446.

PASTOR MUÑOZ-COBO, M., J.C. HIDALGO MOYA, V. VEGA MACÍAS y E. FERERES CASTIEL. 2006. Viabilidad económica de plantaciones superintensivas en Andalucía. Análisis financiero de la inversión a realizar en plantaciones intensivas y superintensivas. Vida Rural-Disier Olivar. 238:60-66.

PASTOR MUÑOZ-COBO, M., J.C. HIDALGO MOYA, V. VEGA MACÍAS y E. FERERES CASTIEL. 2006. Densidades de plantación en olivar de regadío. Densidades de plantación en olivar de regadío. El caso de las plantaciones superintensivas en Andalucía. Fruticultura 160:27-42, y Agricultura 888:708-718.

ALCÁNTARA, A.M., J.A. GÓMEZ y E. FERERES. 2006. Evaluación del riesgo de erosión y productividad del olivar en producción integrada. Agricultura, 885:426-432.

GÓMEZ, J.A. and E. FERERES. 2005. Conservación de suelo y agua en el olivar andaluz en relación al sistema de manejo de suelo. (Eds) pp:43. Junta de Andalucía. Sevilla.

FERERES, E., F. ORGAZ, M. PASTOR, L. TESTI y F. VILLALOBOS. 2005. Strategie d'irrigazione in olivicoltura: uno studio spagnolo. PhytoMagazinE. 14:41-47.

MATEOS, L., I. LORITE, D. LOZANO and E. FERERES. 2004. Water governance and management in the water users' associations of Spain. Options Méditerranéennes Serie B, 48:233-241

KASSAM, A.H., H.M. GREGERSEN, E. FERERES, E.Q. JAVIER, R.R. HARWOOD, A. de JANVRY and M.M. CERNEA. 2004. A framework for enhancing and guarding the relevance and quality of science: The case of the CGIAR. Expl. Agric, 40:1-21.

LORITE, I., L. MATEOS y E. FERERES. 2003. Aplicación de un modelo de simulación a la evaluación de una zona regablE. Ingeniería del agua, 10(4):517-525.

GOLDHAMER, D.A., E. FERERES and M. salinas. 2003. Can almond trees directly dictate their irrigation needs?. California Agriculture 57(4):138-144

GOLDHAMER, D.A., and E. FERERES. 2003. The Promise of Regulated Deficit Irrigation in California's orchards and Vineyards. Water Conservation News, April 2003:6-9.

FERERES, E. and A. KASSAM. 2003. Water and the CGIAR: A Strategic Framework. Water International 28(1):122-129.

BLAKE R., E. FERERES, T. HENZELL y W. POWELL. 2002."Las ciencias agropecuarias en la Argentina". Ciencia Hoy 70:31-51.

GOLDHAMER, D.A. and E. FERERES. 2001. Simplified tree water status measurements can aid almond irrigation. California Agriculture 55(3):32-38.

LOZANO, D., E. FERERES, L. MATEOS, F. ORGAZ y F.J. VILLALOBOS. 2000. Herramientas sobre técnicas óptimas de manejo del riego. Formato CD Multimedia. Federación de Comunidades de Regantes de la Cuenca del Guadalquivir, Sevilla.

LOZANO, D., E. FERERES, L. MATEOS, F. ORGAZ y F.J. VILLALOBOS. 2000. Curso de técnicas óptimas de manejo del riego. Formato CD Multimedia. Federación de Comunidades de Regantes de la Cuenca del Guadalquivir, Sevilla.

FERERES, E. y GOLDHAMER, D. 2000. Avances recientes en la programación de los riegos. Ingeniería del Agua 7:47-54.

PASTOR M, J. CASTRO, M.J. MARISCAL, V. VEGA, F. ORGAZ, E. FERERES y J. HIDALGO. 1999. Respuestas del olivar tradicional a diferentes estrategias y dosis de agua de riego. Investigación Agraria. Producción y Protección Vegetales 14(3):393-404.

MATA, M., J. GIRONA. D. GOLDHAMER, E. FERERES, M. COHEN and S. JOHNSON. 1999 Water relations of lysimeter-grown peach trees are sensitive to deficit irrigation. California Agriculture 53(4):17-21.

FERERES, E., D. GOLDHAMER, M. COHEN. J. GIRONA and M. MATA.1999. Continuous trunk diameter recording can reveal water stress in peach trees. California Agriculture 53(4):21-25.

FERERES, E. 1999. Irrigation scheduling and its impact on the 21st century. Irrigation News 28:39-48.

FERERES, E. 1999. Impatto della programmazione dell'irrigazione nel 21º secolo. Revista Internazionale dell'Acqua e dell'Irrigazione 19(4):13-17.

FERERES, E., and J.A. GOMEZ. 1998. Riesgo de erosión y sistemas de manejo de suelo en olivar: Modelización del proceso de infiltración y uso de cubiertas de gramíneas autóctonas. Mercacei 14:104.

FERERES, E. 1997. Els desafiaments de l'agricultura SosteniblE. Departament de Medi Ambient, Generalitat de Catalunya. Medi Ambient, Tecnología i Cultura 18:4-13.

FERERES, E. 1996. Irrigation scheduling and Its impact on the 21st Century. Proceedings of the international Conference on Evapotranspiration and irrigation scheduling. San Antonio, Texas. American Society of Agricultural Engineers. St. Joseph, Mi, USA, pp: 547-553.

FERNANDEZ, J.E., F. MORENO, J. MARTÍN-ARANDA y E. FERERES. 1992. Olive-tree root dynamics under different soil water regimes. Agric. Mediterran. 122:225-235.

ORGAZ, F., S. BONACHELA, L. MATEOS y E. FERERES. 1991. Desarrollo fenológico y producción de cultivares de algodón el valle del Guadalquivir bajo diversos regímenes de riego. Invest. Agr.: Prod. Prot. Veg. 6(1):53-67.

MATEOS, L., J. BERENGENA, A. SORIANO, F. ORGAZ, A. TELLEZ y E. FERERES. 1991. Efectos del riego por goteo y del riego por surcos en la fenología y el rendimiento del algodón. Inv. Agr.: Prod. Prot. Veg. 6(1):68-80.

MATEOS, L., H. GOMEZ y E. FERERES. 1991. Riego por goteo del algodón en Las Marismas de Sevilla. Invest. Agr.: Prod. Prot. Veg. 6(2):241-253.

FERERES, E. and GOLDHAMER, D. 1991. Plastic mulch increases cotton yield, reduces need for preseason irrigation. California Agriculture 25 (May-Jun).

CASTILLA, N. and E. FERERES. 1990. Tomato growth and yield in unheated plastic greenhouses in a Mediterranean climatE. Agric. Mediterran. 120:31-40.

CASTILLA, N., F. ELIAS y E. FERERES. 1990. Caracterización de condiciones climáticas y de relaciones suelo-agua-raíz en el cultivo enarenado del tomate en invernadero en Almería. Invest. Agr.: Prod. Prot. Veg. 5 (2):1-13.

CASTILLA, N. y E. FERERES. 1990. Evapotranspiración de cultivos hortícolas en invernadero en Almería. Invest. Agr.: Prod. Prot. Veg. 5(1):117-125.

CASTILLA, N. and E. FERERES. 1990. The climate and water requirements of tomatoes in unheated plastic greenhouses. Agric. Mediterran. 120:1-7.

GALLARDO, M. y E. FERERES. 1989. Resistencia a la sequía del tritordeo (Hordeum chilense x Triticum turgidum) en relación a la del trigo, cebada y triticalE. Invest. Agr.: Prod. Prot. Veg. 4(3):361-375.

FERERES, E. 1989. Stomatal conductance: measurement and significance. Proceedings of the International Potash Institute, 21th Colloquium, Berna, Suiza. pp: 219-233.

GIMENEZ, C. y E. FERERES. 1987. Resistencia a la sequía de cultivares de girasol bajo condiciones de campo. Investigación agraria. Producción y Protección Vegetal 2(1):67-87.

PRUITT, W.O., E. FERERES, K. KAITA and R. SNYDER. 1986. Reference Evapotranspiration for California. University of California Bulletin # 1922, 13 p. + 12 maps.

VILLALOBOS, F. y E. FERERES. 1986. Evaluación del sistema de riego por aspersión a la demanda del Sector E-1 de la Zona regable del Canal de Montijo (Badajoz). Invest. Agr. Producción y Protección Vegetal 1(3):85-107.

FERERES, E., R. CUEVAS and F. ORGAZ. 1985. Drip irrigation of cotton in southern Spain. Proceedings of the 3rd Int. Drip/Trickle Irrig. Congress, Fresno, California, USA. Amer.Soc. Agric. Engn. Spec. Pub. pp:187-192.

PRUITT, W.O., E. FERERES, P.E. MARTIN, H. SINGH, D.W. HENDERSON, R.M. HAGAN, E. TARANTINO and B. CHANDIO. 1984. Microclimate, evapotranspiration and water-use efficiency for drip and furrow-irrigated tomatoes. Proceedings of the 12th Congress of the Int. Com. Irrig. Drain. Fort Collins, Colorado, USA, pp:367-394.

PRUITT, W.E., E. FERERES, D.W. HENDERSON, and R.M. HAGAN. 1984. Evapotranspiration losses of tomatoes under drip and furrow irrigation. California Agriculture 38(5-6):10-11.

FERERES, E., D.A. MARTINICH, T.M. ALDRICH, J.R. CASTEL, E. HOLZAPFEL and H. SCHULBACH. 1982. . Drip Irrigation Saves Money in Young Almond Orchards. California Agriculture 36:12-13.

RESENDE, M., D.W. HENDERSON and E. FERERES. 1981. Irrigation frequency, crop development and yield of kidney bean. Pesq. Agropec. Bras. 16(3):363-370.

FERERES, E. and I. PUECH. 1981. Irrigation Scheduling GuidE. Office of Water Conservation. California Department of Water Resources. (A reference manual containing 11 sections on irrigation scheduling), 307p.

FERERES, E. 1981. Irrigation of prunes. In: Prune Orchard Management. University of California Publication nº 3269. pp:69-74.

FERERES, E., T.M. ALDRICH, H. SCHULBACH and D.A. MARTINICH. 1981. Responses of young almond trees to late-season drought. California Agriculture 35(7-8):11-12.

FERERES, E., P.M. KITLAS, R.E. GOLDFIEN, W.O. PRUITT and R.M. HAGAN. 1981. Simplified but scientific irrigation scheduling. California Agriculture 35(5-6):19-21.

FERERES, E. HENDERSON, D.W., W.O. PRUITT. and R.S. AYERS. 1981. Basic irrigation scheduling, University of California, Davis. Leaflet 21199. 8 p.

ABOU-HAIDAR, S., E. FERERES and R.W. HARRIS. 1980. Drought adaptation of two species of Cotoneaster. Journal of Horticultural Science (London) 55:267-272.

BETHELL, R., E. FERERES, R. BUCHNER and B. FITZPATRICK. 1979. Water Conservation and management for foothill orchards. California Agriculture 33(10):7-9.

FERERES, E., B. AMRY, J. FACI, A. KAMGAR, D.W. HENDERSON and M.RESENDE. 1978. A closer look at deficit high-frequency irrigation. California Agriculture 32(8):4-5.

FERERES, E., J.L. MEYER, K.K. ALJIBURY, H. SCHULBACH, A.W. MARSH, and A.R. REED. 1978. Irrigation costs, University of California, Leaflet 2875, 15 p.

FERERES, E. 1976. Growth, development and yield of sorghum in the field under variable water supply. PhD. Dissertation, University of California, Davis. 254 p.




Blog Personal: Dr. Elias Fereres Castiel