
ClimaSG (antes llamado ClimaGen) es un generador de datos meteorológicos basado en SIMMETEO Geng et al. (1988) que requieren solo promedios mensuales de radiación solar, temperaturas máximas y mínimas del aire y precipitación. En ClimaSG hemos agregado la generación de velocidad del viento y presión de vapor. CONTROL_CLIMASG es un programa de Windows que controla las entradas y analiza los datos meteorológicos generados produciendo gráficos y archivos de texto para los resultados principales.

ClimaSG (formerly known as ClimaGen) is a weather generator based on SIMMETEO Geng et al. (1988) requiring only monthly averages of solar radiation, maximum and minimum air temperatures and precipitation. In ClimaSG we have added the generation of wind speed and vapor pressure. CONTROL_CLIMASG is a Windows program that controls inputs and analyzes the generated weather data producing plots and text files for the main results.
The program may be downloaded in the links shown below

February 18, 2021 the date format in generated weather files has been changed
July 14, 2021 The program allows selecting the date format (International or US)
February 8, 2022 Changes in temperature or rainfall may be different for each month
July 24, 2022 The generated weather is also provided in DSSAT format
April 25, 2023 Bug fixed for date format USA

Versions ClimaSG v 2.2

English   Español  Francais  Portugues

Tutorials    Español     English

If you are interested in a new translation please contact us

Last updated April 25, 2023  by Francisco J. Villalobos