International Research Project MSCA-ETN-ITN (Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Grant agreement ID: 722068) European Union (EU)

Reference: H2020-MSCA-ITN-2016 GA 722068
Principal Investigator: Dr. Joaquín Olivares, Universidad de Córdoba
Coordinator: The Intervention Centre, Oslo University Hospital (Noruega)
Date: 01/11/2016 al 30/04/2021
Official EU website

The HiPerNav project is dedicated to improving medical technology dedicated to surgery for the ablation of soft tissue tumors in general. We are currently working with liver tumors. The idea is to digitally reconstruct the liver, its vessels, and tumors with high resolution and in real-time so that the surgeon indicates on a screen where he wants to work, and the machine automatically proceeds with the ablation of the tumor using laparoscopic surgery. Thanks to this, the intervention takes minutes, the patient’s recovery is faster, and the patient’s quality of life is improved since the traditional option is open surgery to remove large sections of the liver.

9 institutions and 5 companies participate in our particular project. The institutions are Oslo University Hospital (the coordinator), Sintef and NTNU from Norway; University of Bern and Bern University Hospital from Switzerland; University of Delft from the Netherlands; University Paris 13 and INRIA from France; and us, the University of Córdoba. The companies are Cascination, Siemens, NVIDIA, Innovasjon Norge, and Yes!Delft.

We have hired 16 PhD students from many countries through a demanding selection process. The PhD students and researchers team comprise people from more than a dozen countries: Italy, Switzerland, Greece, India, Pakistan, Iran, Canada, Russia, France, Norway, Tunisia, Germany, Romania, Lithuania… and Spain.

The University of Córdoba leads the work package for optimizing algorithms using high-performance computing techniques to accelerate and improve the resolution of images from ultrasound, magnetic resonance, and computed tomography. To this end, it received a € 495,000 grant and has hired two researchers.

Scientific Publications:

Cross-modality guided contrast enhancement for improved liver tumor image segmentation
Naseem R; Khan Z; Satpute N; Beghdadi A; Cheikh, FA; Olivares, J.
IEEE Access. Vol 9, 118154 – 118167 2021.

Accelerating Chan–Vese model with cross-modality guided contrast enhancement for liver segmentation
Satpute N; Gómez-Luna J; Olivares, J.
Computers in Biology and Medicine 124, 103930. 2020
Journal webpage

Accelerating B-spline interpolation on GPUs: Application to medical image registration
Zachariadis O; Teatini A; Satpute N; Gómez-Luna J; Mutlu O; Elle OJ; Olivares J.
Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 193, 105431. 2020
Journal webpage

Fast parallel vessel segmentation
Satpute N; Naseem R; Palomar R; Zachariadis O; Gómez-Luna J; Cheikh, FA; Olivares, J.
Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 192, 105430. 2020
Journal webpage

Accelerating sparse matrix–matrix multiplication with GPU Tensor Cores
Zachariadis O; Teatini A; Satpute N; Gómez-Luna J; Mutlu O; Elle OJ. Olivares J.
Computers and Electrical Engineering, 88 (106848), 16. 2020
Journal webpage

GPU acceleration of liver enhancement for tumor segmentation
Satpute, N; Naseem, R; Pelanis, E; Gómez-Luna, J; Cheikh, FA; Elle, OJ; Olivares, J.
Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 184, 105285. 2020
Journal webpage

High-Performance Computation of Bézier Surfaces on Parallel and Heterogeneous Platforms
R Palomar, J Gómez-Luna, FA Cheikh, J Olivares, OJ Elle
International Journal of Parallel Programming. 2017

Optimum Vessel Segmentation
J. Olivares, O. Zachariadis, N. Satpute and J. Gómez-Luna
17th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies. 2022

Cross-modality-guided contrast enhancement on liver segmentation
J. Olivares, N. Satpute and J. Gómez-Luna
18th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies. 2023