@article{P. P. Pérez-Hernández2014, author = "P. P. P{\'e}rez-Hern{\'a}ndez and J. M. Mart{\'i}n-L{\'o}pez and Mercedes Torres-Jim{\'e}nez and L. Fern{\'a}ndez-Portillo", awards = "JCR(2014): 0.151 Position: 53/56 (Q4) Category: AGRICULTURE, MULTIDISPLINARY", comments = "JCR(2014): 0.151 Position: 53/56 (Q4) Category: AGRICULTURE, MULTIDISPLINARY", doi = "10.11144/Javeriana.CDR11-73.apac", issn = "0122-1450", journal = "Cuadernos de desarrollo rural", note = "JCR(2014): 0.151 Position: 53/56 (Q4) Category: AGRICULTURE, MULTIDISPLINARY", number = "73", pages = "61--86", title = "{A}pplication of {P}rospective {A}nalysis and {C}luster {A}nalysis as a tool to aid in the design of rural development policies: the case of {A}ndalusia", url = "revistas.javeriana.edu.co/index.php/desarrolloRural/article/view/6483/7044", volume = "11", year = "2014", }