Searching in present-day libraries   

The «Extant Copies» database contains the catalogues and all the relevant information about Erasmus' works that exist nowadays in Spanish libraries.

You can consult this database by introducing one or several elements into the following list of search criteria. Please pay attention to the NOTES below the list:

Secondary Author:
Printing House / Publisher:
Index (year):
BEHisp reference:


  • To show the secondary lists attached to the fields «Author», «Secondary Author» and «Work» you must pull down the relevant windows. You may, however, have a tool bar or some kind of navigator that blocks this type of window. If this is the case you will have to configure this function to allow their appearance.
  • In the «text» fields of the main list (i.e. all except «Index (year)»), to ensure that your search is precise and covers all possibilities you should include your word, figure or sequence of characters within percentage symbols (%), which act as generic wild cards. The % symbol can be placed before, in the middle or at the end of any word, figure etc.

    Thus, for example, if you are looking for the word «opus» in the field «Title» you will encounter no record. If, on the other hand, you type in «%opus%» you will get all those records which contain the term «opus».

    If you want to retrieve all those records with the date «1529» in the field «Year», for instance, you type in «%1529%».

    In the field «Title» if you type in «para%» you will retrieve all the works whose titles begin with the words «Paraphrasis» or «Parabolae».

    You can also truncate your search order. In the field «Place», for example, if you type in «%Basile%» or «%Basilea%» you will retrieve all the records in which «Basilea», «Basileae» or «Apud inclytam Basileam» appear as the city where the work was printed.
  • If you initiate the search without including any selection criteria you will be shown all the «extant copies» recorded in the database.

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