20 de April de 2021 0 Comentarios

Digitisation: Economic and Social Impacts in Rural Areas (H2020-RUR-2018-818194)

DESIRA will develop the concept of Socio-Cyber-Physical Systems to advance understanding of the impact of digitisation in rural areas, linking analysis directly to the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals. Operationalising the Responsible Research and Innovation approach, DESIRA will enrol agriculture, forestry and rural stakeholders in co-developing scenarios and policies in Living Labs established in 20 European Regions, and a Rural Digitization Forum gathering 250 stakeholders from all Europe. A Virtual Research Environment tailored to the purposes of the project will connect all participants and allow to increase substantially the interaction within the network.

DESIRA will provide a Taxonomy and Inventory of Digital Game changers which will be implemented into an online Visualization Tool, a Set of Socio-Economic Impact Indicators aligned to the Sustainability Development Goals implemented into an online Socio-Economic Impact Tool, a Pan-European Assessment of digitization in European rural regions, a Needs, Expectations and Impact appraisal report, a Comparative Scenario Report based on scenario development activities of Living Labs and the Rural Digitization Forum, a Policy analysis and Roadmap, an Ethical Code to be adopted by researchers and innovators and recommended by policy bodies, five Use Cases that will report a further analysis – co-created by Living Labs with the support of ICT specialists – of the most promising solutions identified by Living Labs, Showcase Technologies – including a Virtual Farm Platform – that will créate a selection of proof of concepts suggested by Use Cases. A detailed, multi-media dissemination, engagement and communication strategy will accompany the project from the beginning, looking at research as a multifunctional (research, engagement and communication) process and at the same time involving communication specialists in the development of adequate messages and in the choice of the most effective media.


Objetivos generales

  • To fill the socio-economic knowledge gaps on digitisation in agriculture, rural areas and forestry through the development, dissemination and communication of a transdisciplinary Conceptual and Analytical Framework and a Taxonomy and Inventory of Digital Game Changers.
  • To assess the past and current socio-economic impact of digitisation in relation to Sustainable Development Goals by carrying out, disseminating and communicating a participatory Socio-Economic Impact Assessment of digitisation based on an innovative assessment methodology.
  • To improve the capacity of rural communities to reflect on future risks and opportunities related to digitisation by co-creating, disseminating and communicating a set of rural digitisation scenarios, and by developing Use Cases and two Showcase technologies including a Virtual Farm Platform, adopting RRI-based value sensitive solutions.
  • To improve the capacity of rural communities to reap the opportunities offered by digitisation and to improve resilience to related hazards by identifying and assessing existing policy instruments, by developing a Policy Roadmap, and by promoting the embodiment of an Ethical Code into private and public innovation strategies.
  • To promote online interaction and learning – complementary to face-to-face interaction – among a wide range of stakeholders through a Virtual Research Environment, which will provide online tools for knowledge exchange and easy and open access to research findings.
  • To increase the uptake of societal concerns in ICT-related policy and innovation, and to align digitisation scenarios with societal needs and expectations through an effective Exploitation, dissemination, communication and outreach strategy

Papel de la Universidad de Córdoba

The University of Córdoba coordinates WP4 Policy Analysis and Ethical Code and will provide one of the key deliverables, the Policy Roadmap.

It also participates in the following WPs:

  • WP1. Conceptualising and Mapping Digital Game Changers.
  • WP2. Assessing Past and Present Impact.
  • WP3. Developing Scenarios, Use Cases and Showcase Technologies.
  • WP4. Policy Roadmap and Ethical Code (Lead beneficiary).
  • WP6. Exploitation, Dissemination, Communication and Outreach.
  • WP7. Project Coordination.

Investigador principal: María del Mar Delgado Serrano

E-mail: mmdelgado@uco.es

Página web del proyecto: http://desira2020.eu/