Analytical Chemistry Dept., Annex "Marie Curie" Bldg. 3rd floor. C.U. Rabanales, University of Córdoba. 14071-Córdoba (Spain)

(+34) 957 21 86 16


Julia Ríos Gómez

PhD in Chemistry
  Contact details

(+34) 957 21 86 16

  Scientific and Professional Profiles
  About me

Julia Ríos Gómez grew up in Cordoba, Spain. She received a B.Sc. in Environmental Sciences from the University of Cordoba in 2013. During that year she was a collaborator student at the Analytical Chemistry Department in the University of Cordoba and completed her M.Sc. in Chemistry in 2014, where she studied the potential of the hybrid material microparticle-aptamer to improve the selectivity of protein identification.

In August of 2014 she was awarded with a FPU fellowship from the Spanish government to complete her PhD. Her current research focuses on the development of microextraction procedures based on nanohybrids materials of selected analytes in different sample matrixes.

In 2017 Julia obtained a teaching university degree and nowadays she is in charge of lab teaching in chemistry and biochemistry degrees at the University of Cordoba, Spain.

Apart from research and teaching tasks, she is participating in the establishment of an environmental certification program (Trebol Program, based on the Green Office Program of Harvard University, USA) and actively takes part in the management and coordination of lab waste enabling a correct disposal.

Since 2014, she has been involved in different workshops and science conferences directed to young students and has participated in different events including the European Researcher Night, Café Conciencia and Paseo por la Ciencia.