Espinosa. P. (2017). Las metáforas de la organización: el caso de las sociedades cooperativas como estrategia de autoempleo. Departamento de Sociología, Universidad de Sevilla.(TFM)

Research papers

Fernández-Esquinas, M., Van Oostrom, M. and Pinto, H. (2017): Key issues on innovation, culture and institutions: implications for SMEs and micro firms, European Planning Studies, 25 (11), 1897-1907.

Fernández Esquinas, M. (2016): Las revistas de ciencias sociales en los sistemas de I+D.  Notas sobre política editorial para revistas de sociología, Revista Española de Sociología, Vol. 25. Nº 3, 427-442.

Fernández Esquinas, M., Merchán Hernández, C., Valmaseda Andía, O. L. (2016): How effective are triple helix organizations in the promotion of university-industry links? European Journal of Innovation Management, Vol 19, 3, 424-443.

Fernández-Esquinas, M., Pinto, H., Pérez Yruela, M. y Santos Pereira, T. (2016): Tracing the flows of knowledge transfer: Latent dimensions and determinants of university–industry interactions in peripheral innovation systems, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 13, 266-279.

Fernández Esquinas, M. y Pinto, H. (2014): The Role of Universities in Urban Regeneration: Reframing the Analytical Approach, European Planning Studies, 22, 7, 1462-1483.

Fernández-Zubieta, A., Andújar-Nagore, I., Giachi,S. y Fernández-Esquinas, M. (2016): New Organizational Arrangements for Public-Private Research Collaboration,  Journal of the Knowledge Economy,  Vol. 7 (1), 80-103.

Mendonça, P.X., Garcia, J.L. and Fernández-Esquinas, M. (2017): Marketing in the material construction of artifacts: A case study of a Portuguese navigation systems company, Technology in Society, Vol. 51, 24-33.

Merchán-Hernández, C., Valmaseda-Andia, O. y Fernández-Esquinas, M. (2015): The challenges of connecting science–industry in peripheral regions: researchers’ attitudes and organizational and institutional features as determinants, European Planning Studies, 2015, 1-22.

Ortega, J. L. (2019), Exploratory analysis of Publons metrics and their relationship with bibliometric and altmetric impact, Aslib Journal of Information Management, 71(1): 124-136

Ortega, J. L. (2018), Reliability and accuracy of altmetric providers: a comparison among Altmetric, PlumX and Crossref Event Data, Scientometrics, 116(3): 2123-2138

Ortega, J. L. (2018), The Life Cycle of Altmetric Impact: A Longitudinal Study of Six Metrics from PlumX, Journal of Informetrics, 12(3): 579-589

Ortega, J. L. (2018), Disciplinary differences of the impact of altmetric, FEMS Microbiology Letters, 365(7): fny049

Ortega, J. L. (2017), The presence of academic journals on Twitter and its relationship with dissemination (tweets) and research impact (citations), Aslib Journal of Information Management, 69(6): 1-15

Ortega, J. L. (2017), Are peer-review activities related to reviewer bibliometric performance? A scientometric analysis of Publons, Scientometrics, 112(2): 947-962

Ortega, J. L. (2016), To be or not to be on Twitter, and its relationship with the tweeting and citation of research papers, Scientometrics, 109(2): 1353-1364

Ortega, J. L. (2015), Disciplinary differences in the use of academic social networking sites, Online Information Review, 39(4): 520-536

Ortega, J. L. (2015), How is an academic social site populated? A demographic study of Google Scholar Citations population, Scientometrics, 104(1): 1-18

Ortega, J. L. (2015), Relationship between altmetric and bibliometric indicators across academic social sites: the case of CSIC’s members, Journal of Informetrics, 9(1): 39-49

Orduña, E., Ortega, J. L., Aguillo, I. F. (2014), Influence of language and file type on the web visibility of top European universities,Aslib Journal of Information Management, 66(1): 96-116

Ortega, J. L. (2014), Influence of co-authorship networks in the research impact: Ego network analyses from Microsoft Academic Search, Journal of Informetrics, 8(3): 728-737

Ortega, J. L., Aguillo, I. F. (2014), Microsoft Academic Search and Google Scholar Citations: A comparative analysis of author profiles, Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 65(6):1149-1156

Ortega, J. L., Orduña, E., Aguillo, I. F. (2014), Are web mentions accurate substitutes of inlinks for Spanish universities? Online Information Review, 38(1): 59-77

Pedraza Rodríguez, J.A. y Sánchez Rodríguez, M.I. (2017). La visión de los intangibles en las relaciones de colaboración entre ciencia y empresa. Revista de Ciencias Sociales, 23-3, 9-27.

Pedraza Rodríguez, J.A.; Fernández-Esquinas, M.; Trillo Holgado, M. A.; Cañadas, J.L. (2016). Corporate Satisfaction With Public Centers Of Investigation: The CSIC. Regional and Sectoral Economic Studies,16(1), 53-70

Pinto, H. Fernández-Esquinas, M. y Uyarra, E. (2014): Universities and Knowledge Intensive Bussiness Services (KIBS) as sources of knowledge for innovative firms in peripheral regions, Regional Studies, Vol 49 (11), 1873-1891.

Pinto, H. and Fernández-Esquinas, M. (2017): What do stakeholders think about knowledge transfer offices? The perspective of firms and research groups in a regional innovation system, Industry and Innovation,

Van Oostrom, M.; Pedraza Rodríguez, J.A. y Fernández-Esquinas, M. (2019). Does the Location in a Science and Technology Park influence university-industry relationships?: Evidence from a peripheral región.  International Journal of Knowledge Management, 15(3), 19-36.

Books and Book chapters

Espinosa. P. (2017). Las metáforas de la organización: el caso de las sociedades cooperativas como estrategia de autoempleo. Departamento de Sociología, Universidad de Sevilla.(TFM)

Espinosa. P. (2016). La autogestión del empleo. Análisis de las Estrategias para el fomento del Trabajo Autónomo. El Plan de Actuación para el Trabajo Autónomo de Andalucía – Horizonte 2020. Departamento de Sociología, Universidad Pablo de Olavide.

Fernández Esquinas, M., Pedraza, J.A., Muñoz Benito, R. y Sánchez Rodríguez, M.I. (2018): Transferencia de proximidad: las relaciones productivas de la universidad con las empresas del entorno, Córdoba: Consejo Social de la UCO.

Fernández Esquinas, M., Pedraza, J.A., Muñoz Benito, R. y Sánchez Rodríguez, M.I. (2017). Diagnóstico de la relación ciencia- empresa en la Provincia de Córdoba. CSIC-Universidad de Córdoba.

Ortega, J. L. (2016), Social Network Sites for Scientists: A Quantitative survey. Oxford, UK: Chandos Publishing (Elsevier Group), pp. 198, ISBN: 9780081005927

Ortega, J. L. (2014), Academic Search Engines: A Quantitative Outlook. Oxford, UK: Chandos Publishing (Elsevier Group), pp. 200, ISBN: 1843347911

Pedraza, J.A. (2018a). Caso Gourmet Jiennense. En Rodríguez Gutiérrez, P., Sánchez Cañizares, S. y Fuentes García, F. coord. (2018). Libro de casos de emprendimiento femenino, Ed. Tirant , Valencia

Pedraza, J.A. (2018b). Caso Sopinet Software. En Rodríguez Gutiérrez, P., Sánchez Cañizares, S. y Fuentes García, F. coord. (2018). Libro de casos de emprendimiento femenino, Ed. Tirant, Valencia.

Pedraza, J.A. y Muñoz Fernández, G. (2018).  Las aventuras de Tate. En Rodríguez Gutiérrez, P., Sánchez Cañizares, S. y Fuentes García, F. coord. (2018). Libro de casos de emprendimiento femenino, Ed. Tirant , Valencia

Pedraza, J.A. (2016). Impacto en el tejido productivo de la transferencia de conocimiento del CSIC (Tesis doctoral publicada). Universidad de Córdoba. Córdoba