Potencial de crecimiento post-eclosión de pollitas Dominant Black y Yaffa Brown con huevos de diferentes pesos

L. Egbeyale, S. Abiola, O. Sogunle, M. Ozoje


The study was conducted to determine the effect of egg size on post-hatching performance of pullet chicks obtained from Dominant Black (DB) and Yaffa Brown (YB) strains of pullet. A total of eight hundred and ten hatching pullet eggs (405 eggs per strain) were grouped into three egg sizes (small, medium and large) per strain resulting in six treatment groups which were replicated three times with forty-five eggs per replicate. Post-hatching performance of one hundred and sixty two pullets from both strains was monitored till first egg was laid. Feed and water were supplied ad libitum throughout the period. Three eggs per replicate were used to determine both internal and external egg qualities. Data obtained were subjected to analysis of variance in a 2 x 3 factorial experimental design. The results showed that average body weight, feed and protein intake of the birds during starter phase of pullet chicks significantly (p<0.05) increased with egg size, while all the growth performance parameters at growing phase were not influenced (p>0.05). Age at first lay, weight of bird at first lay and egg quality parameters were not affected (p>0.05) by egg size and strain. The egg size also increased (p<0.05) with age in lay. The effect of strain of bird had no (p>0.05) influence on all the parameters measured throughout the study. It was concluded that egg size could only be beneficial if the target is to sell chicks at the end of growing phase. However, setting of different egg sizes could be encouraged since the effect at maturity (laying) is not significant.

Palabras clave

Peso del huevo. Post eclosión. Dominant Black. Yaffa Brown. Pollos.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.21071/az.v64i248.419

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