Avanços e preocupações sobre a nanotecnologia em alimentos para humanos e animais – uma revisão

S. Nunes da Silva, D.A. Alves, B.C. Kuhn Gomes, D.C. Nichelle Lopes, V.F. Büttow Roll, F. Rutz, E. Gonçalves Xavier


Nanotechnology in food is relatively new compared to biomedical area and information technology industries. In this way, this science has aroused great interest in recent years mainly in developed countries, where industry has benefited from its use. Major uses include nanodispersions, nanocapsules, nanolaminates, nanofibers and nanotubes for food packaging, as well as nutritional utilization. In the animal area, the use of nanotechnology is present in vaccines, nutrition, genetics and medicines. However, potential risks must be considered, in addition to the need for specific legislation. Research on food nanotechnology is in progress, with nanoparticle-derived food products expected to be increasingly available to consumers and producers worldwide in the coming years. The present review aims to present the use of nanotechnology in the food industry, emphasizing the use of various nanomaterials for food packaging, as well as its nutritional application in animal diets, potential risks and existing legislation.

Palabras clave

Alimento. Nanocápsulas. Nanodispersões. Nutrição. Riscos potenciais.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.21071/az.v68i264.5001

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UCOPress. Cordoba University Press (UCOPress Editorial Universidad de Córdoba)

ISSN: 1885-4494

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