From al-Biṭrīq to Ḥunayn: Melkite and Nestorian Translators in Early ʿAbbāsid Baghdad

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Alexander Treiger


The present study examines social history of the Graeco-Arabic translation movement from the perspective of the Christian communities that participated in it. Special attention is given to Melkite and Nestorian translators active in ʿAbbāsid Baghdad – from the late eighth-century Melkite translator al-Biṭrīq to the famous ninth-century Nestorian translator Ḥunayn ibn Isḥāq – and to the complex interactions between Melkites and Nestorians, which involved both competition and scholarly collaboration.


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Treiger, A. (2022). From al-Biṭrīq to Ḥunayn: Melkite and Nestorian Translators in Early ʿAbbāsid Baghdad. Mediterranea. International Journal on the Transfer of Knowledge, 7, 143–181.
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