ESPADAFOR, M, L. COUTO, M. RESENDE, D.W.HENDERSON, M. GARCÍA-VILA, E. FERERES . 2018. Simulation of the responses of dry beans (Phaseolus vulgaris, l.) to irrigation. Transactions of the ASABE 60(6):1983-1994. doi: 10.13031/trans.12386.

LÓPEZ-LÓPEZ, M., M. ESPADADOR, L. TESTI, I.J. LORITE, F. ORGAZ, E. FERERES. 2018. Water use of irrigated almond trees when subjected to water deficits. Agricultural Water Management 195:84-93.

LÓPEZ-LÓPEZ, M., M. ESPADADOR, L. TESTI, I.J. LORITE, F. ORGAZ, E. FERERES. 2018. Yield response of almond trees to transpiration deficits. Irrigation Science . doi:10.1007/s00271-018-0568-x.

BALLESTER, C. , P.J. ZARCO-TEJADA, E. NICOLÁS, J.J. ALARCÓN, E. FERERES, D.S. INTRIGLIOLO , V. GONZALEZ-DUGO. 2017. Evaluating the performance of xanthophyll, chlorophyll and structure-sensitive spectral indices to detect water stress in five fruit tree species. Precision Agriculture :1-16.

ES PADADOR, M., F. ORGAZ, L. TESTI, I.J. LORITE, V., GONZALEZ-DUGO , E. FERERES. 2017. Responses of transpiration and transpiration efficiency of almond trees to moderate water deficits. Scientia Horticulturae 225 :6-14.

FERERES, E., F. J. VILLALOBOS, · F. ORGAZ, · M. I. MINGUEZ, · G. VAN HALSEMA, C. J. PERRY. 2017. Commentary: On the water footprint as an indicator of water use in food production. Irrigation Science 35:83-85. DOI 10.1007/s00271-017-0535-y

FOSTER , T.,  N. BROZOVIC , A.P. BUTLER , C.M.U. NEALE , D. RAES , P. STEDUTO , E. FERERES , T.C. HSIAO . 2017. AquaCrop-OS: An open source version of FAO's crop water productivity model. Agricultural Water Management 181:18-22.

GOLDHAMER, D., E. FERERES. 2017. Establishing an almond water production function for California using long-term yield response to variable irrigation. Irrigation Science 35:169-179. DOI: 10.1007/s00271-016-0528-2.

MARTRE, P., REYNOLDS, M.P., ASSENG, S., EWERT, F., ALDERMAN, P.D., CAMMARANO, … FERERES, E., … Z., ZHU, Y. 2017. The international heat stress genotype experiment for modeling wheat response to heat: field experiments and AgMIP-Wheat multi-model simulations. Open Data Journal for Agricultural Research 3:23-28

WANG, E. ,  MARTRE, P. ,  ZHAO, Z. ,  EWERT, F. ,  MAIORANO, A. , …  FERERES, E. ,    ASSENG, S. 2017. The uncertainty of crop yield projections is reduced by improved temperature response functions. 2017. Nature plants 3, 17102. DOI: 10.1038/s41477-017-0032-6.

ANGELLA, G., M. GARCÍA-VILA, J. M. LÓPEZ, G. BARRAZA, R. SALGADO, S. PRIETO ANGUEIRA, P. TOMSIC, E. FERERES . 2016. Quantifying yield and water productivity gaps in an irrigation district under rotational delivery schedule. Irrigation Science 34:71-83.

BELLVERT, J ., J. MARSAL, J . GIRONA, V. GONZALEZ-DUGO, E. FERERES, S.L. USTIN, P.J. ZARCO-TEJADA 2016. Airborne Thermal Imagery to Detect the Seasonal Evolution of Crop Water Status in Peach, Nectarine and Saturn Peach Orchards. Remote Sensing 8:1-17.


LÓPEZ-LÓPEZ M., R. CALDERÓN, V. GONZÁLEZ-DUGO, P.J. ZARCO-TEJADA, E. FERERES 2016 . Early detection and quantification of almond red leaf blotch using high-resolution hyperspectral and thermal imagery. Remote Sensing 8:276.


GONZALEZ-DUGO, V., D. GOLDHAMER, P.J. ZARCO-TEJADA, and E. FERERES. 2015 Improving the precision of irrigation in a pistachio farm using an unmanned airborne thermal system . Irrigation Science: 33:45-52. Springer, DOI 10.1007/s00271-014-0447-z.

BELLVERT, J., P. J. ZARCO-TEJADA, J. GIRONA, E. FERERES . 2014. Mapping crop water stress index in a ‘Pinot-noir' vineyard: comparing ground measurements with thermal remote sensing imagery from an unmanned aerial vehicle. Precision agriculture. DOI 10.1007/s11119-013-9334-5

GONZALEZ-DUGO, V.; P. ZARCO-TEJADA, E. NICOLAS,  P.A. NORTES, J.J.   ALARCON, D.S.  INTRIGLIOLO, E. FERERES. 2013. Using high resolution UAV thermal imagery to assess the variability in the water status of five fruit tree species within a commercial orchard . Precision agriculture, 14:660-678.

LORITE, I.J., C. SANTOS, M. GARCÍA-VILA, M.A. CARMONA and E. FERERES. 2013 Assessing irrigation scheme water use and farmers’ performance using wireless telemetry systems, 98:193–204.
LORITE, I.J., M. GARCÍA-VILA, C. SANTOS, M. RUIZ-RAMOS and E. FERERES. 2013. AquaData and AquaGIS: Two computer utilities for temporal and spatialsimulations of water-limited yield with AquaCrop. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 96:227–237.
VILLALOBOS, F.J., L. TESTI, F. ORGAZ, O. GARCIA-TEJERA, A. LOPEZ-BERNAL, V. GONZALEZ-DUGO, C. BALLESTER-LURBE, J.R. CASTEL, J.J. ALARCÓN-CABAÑERO, E. NICOLÁS NICOLÁS, J. GIRONA, J. MARSAL, and E. FERERES. 2013. Modelling canopy conductance and transpiration in fruit trees: a simplified approach. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 171-172:93-103.
BERNI, J.A.J., P. ZARCO-TEJADA, V. GONZÁLEZ-DUGO, and E. FERERES. 2012. Remote sensing of thermal water stress indicators in peach. Acta Horticulturae 962: 325-331.
GARCÍA-VILA, M. and E. FERERES. 2012. Combining the simulation crop model AquaCrop with an economic model for the optimization of irrigation management at farm level. European Journal of Agronomy, 36:21-31.
GONZÁLEZ-DUGO, V., L. SUÁREZ, C. RUZ, J.A.J. BERNI, P. ZARCO-TEJADA, M.A. SORIANO, and E. FERERES. E. 2012. Responses of nectarine to Regulated Deficit Irrigation at the field scale. Acta Horticulturae 962: 349-353.
GONZALEZ-DUGO, V., P. ZARCO-TEJADA, J.A.J. BERNI, L. SUÁREZ, D. GOLDHAMER, and E. FERERES. 2012 Almond tree canopy temperature reveals intra-crown variability that is water stress-dependent. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 154-155:156-165.
LORITE, I.J., C. SANTOS, L., TESTI and E. FERERES. 2012. Design and construction of a large weighing lysimeter in an almond orchard. Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research. 10(1): 238-250.
LÓPEZ-URREA, R., A. MONTORO, F. MAÑAS, P. LÓPEZ-FUSTER, and E. FERERES. 2012. Evapotranspiration and crop coefficients from lysimeter measurements of mature ‘Tempranillo’ wine grapes. Agricultural Water Management, 112, pp. 13-20.
MONTORO, A., E. FERERES, R. LÓPEZ-URREA, F. MAÑAS, and P. LÓPEZ-FUSTER. 2012. Sensitivity of Trunk Diameter Fluctuations in Vitis vinifera L. Tempranillo and Cabernet Sauvignon Cultivars. Am. J. Enol. Vitic. 63:85-93.
FERERES, E., F. ORGAZ, and V. GONZALEZ-DUGO. 2011. Reflections on food security under water scarcity. J. Exp. Bot. 62: 4079-4086.
FERERES, E., F.J. VILLALOBOS, F. ORGAZ and L.TESTI. 2011. Water requirements and irrigation scheduling in olive. Acta Horticulturae (ISHS). 888:31-40.
GONZALEZ-DUGO, V., RUZ, C., SORIANO, M.A., SUAREZ, L., BERNI, J.A.J., ZARCO-TEJADA, P., FERERES, E. 2011. Response to regulated deficit irrigation of a nectarine orchard in Southern Spain. Acta Horticulturae (ISHS), 922:217-220.
HIDALGO, J. V. VEGA, J.C. HIDALGO, F. ORGAZ, E. FEREES and, M. PASTOR. 2011. International Symposium on Olive Irrigation and Oil Quality. Título: Responses to different irrigation strategies of a traditional and an intensive olive orchard cv. Picual in Andalusia, Spain. Nazareth (Israel). December 2009, Acta Horticulturae 888:53-62.
MARTIN-VERTEDOR, A.I., JUAN M. PÉREZ RODRÍGUEZA, HENAR PRIETO LOSADA, and ELÍAS FERERES. 2011. Interactive responses to water deficits and crop load in olive (Olea europaea L., cv. Morisca) I. – Growth and water relations. Agricultural Water Management. 98:941-949.
MARTIN-VERTEDOR, A.I., JUAN M. PÉREZ RODRÍGUEZA, HENAR PRIETO LOSADA, and ELÍAS FERERES. 2011. Interactive responses to water deficits and crop load in olive (Olea europaea L., cv. Morisca) II. – Water use, fruit and oil yield. Agricultural Water Management. 98:950-958.
MONTORO, A., P. LÓPEZ-FUSTER and E.FERERES. 2011. Improving on-farm water management through an irrigation scheduling service. Irrigation Science 29:311-319.
MONTORO, A., R. LÓPEZ URREA, F. MAÑAS, P. LÓPEZ-FUSTER and E. FERERES. 2011. Dendrometric Measurements in Grapevine (Vitis vinífera L. ‘Tempranillo’ and ‘Cabernet Sauvignon’) under Regulated Deficit Irrigation. Proceeding of the Sixth International Symposium on Irrigation of Horticultural Crops. Viñas del Mar, Chile 2010, Acta Horticulturae889:113-122.
SUAREZ, L. ZARCO-TEJADA, P., BERNI, J.A.J., GONZALEZ-DUGO, V., FERERES, E. 2011. Orchard water stress detection using high-resolution imagery. Acta Horticulturae (ISHS), 922:35-39
BROOKS, D.B., E. FERERES, C. FUENTES, J.M. CACHAZA. 2010. Grandes retos para la humanidad. Contrastes, 57:135-139.
FERERES, E. 2010. Demandas y suministro de agua ante un futuro incierto. Contrastes, 57:140-142.
FERERES, E. 2010. Deficit irrigation for reducing agricultural water use. Science Watch.
FERERES, E. 2010. Norman Borlaug, padre de la Revolución Verde. CicNetwork, 7:76-78.
FERERES, E. 2010. Causas de La triple crisis. Cuadernos de Sostenibilidad y patrimonio Natural, 19:26-31. ISBN: 978-84-92543-18-2.
FERNANDEZ, M.D., S. BONACHELA, F. ORGAZ, R.B. THOMPSON, J.C. LÓPEZ, M.R. GRANADOS, M. GALLARDO and E. FERERES. 2010. Measurement and estimation of plastic greenhouse reference evapotranspiration in a Mediterranean climate. Irrigation Science. 28:497-509.
HIDALGO, J., V. VEGA, J.C. HIDALGO, M.PASTOR, F. ORGAZ and E. FERERES. 2010. Responses to different irrigation strategies of a traditional and an intensive olive orchard cultivar picual in Andalusia, Spain. Acta Horticulturae, 888:53-62.
PIRE, R., A. PEREIRA, J. DÍEZ and E. FERERES. 2010. Influence of rootstock and irrigation level on water relations of grapevines grown under tropical conditions. Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment 8(2):703-709.
SANTOS, C., I.J. LORITE, M. TASUMI, R. G. ALLEN and E. FERERES. 2010. Performance assessment of an irrigation scheme using indicators determined with remote sensing techniques. Irrigation Science. 28:461-477.
SUAREZ. L., ZARCO-TEJADA, P.J., GONZÁLEZ-DUGO, V., BERNI, J.A.J., SAGARDOY, R., MORALES, F., FERERES, E. 2010. Detecting water stress effects on fruit quality in orchards with time-series PRI airborne imagery. Remote Sensing of Environment 114(2): 286-298.
BERNI, J.A.J., P.J. ZARCO-TEJADA, L. SUAREZ and E. FERERES. 2009. Thermal and Narrow-band Multispectral Remote Sensing for Vegetation Monitoring from an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 47:722-738.
BERNI, J.A.J., P.J. ZARCO-TEJADA, G. SEPULCRE-CANTÓ, E. FERERES and F.J. VILLALOBOS. 2009. Mapping canopy conductance and CWSI in olive orchards using high resolution thermal remote sensing imagery. Remote Sensing of Environment, 113:2380–2388.
FERERES, E. 2009. Agua, salud y ambiente. Eidon. 31:44-47.
FERERES, E. 2009. Trayectoria reciente de la agricultura y la alimentación: retos del futuro. Revista Española de Estudios Agrosociales y Pesqueros, 224:111-124.
GARCIA-VILA, M., E. FERERES, L. MATEOS, F. ORGAZ and P. STEDUTO. 2009. Deficit Irrigation Optimization of Cotton with AquaCrop. Agronomy Journal, 101:477-487.
GÓMEZ, J.A., T. A. SOBRINHO, J. V. GIRÁLDEZ and E. FERERES. 2009. Soil management effects on runoff, erosion and soil properties in an olive grove of Southern Spain. Soil and Tillage Research, 102:5-13.
GÓMEZ, J.A., J.V. GIRÁLDEZ, and E. FERERES. 2009. The influence of cover crops and tillage on water and sediment yield, and on nutrient, and organic matter losses in an olive orchard on a sandy loam soil. Soil and Tillage Research, 106:137-144.
HSIAO, T.C., L. HENG, P. STEDUTO, B. ROJAS-LARA, D. RAES and E. FERERES. 2009. AquaCrop-The FAO Crop Model to Simulate Yield Response to Water: III. Parameterization and Testing for Maize. 2009. Agronomy Journal, 101:448-459.
LÓPEZ-URREA, R., A. MONTORO, P. LÓPEZ-FUSTER and E. FERERES. 2009. Evapotranspiration and responses to irrigation of broccoli. Agricultural Water Management, 96:1155-1161
RAES, D., P. STEDUTO, T. C. HSIAO and E. FERERES. 2009. AquaCrop--The FAO Crop Model to Simulate Yield Response to Water: II. Main Algorithms and Software Description. Agronomy Journal, 101:438-447.
STEDUTO, P., T. C. HSIAO, D. RAES and E. FERERES. 2009. AquaCrop--The FAO Crop Model to Simulate Yield Response to Water: I. Concepts and Underlying Principles. Agronomy Journal, 101:426-437.
SUÁREZ, L., P.J. ZARCO-TEJADA, J.A.J. BERNI, V. GONZÁLEZ-DUGO and E. FERERES. 2009. Modelling PRI for Water Stress Detection using Radiative Transfer Models. Remote Sensing of Environment, 113:730-744.
SUÁREZ, L., P.J. ZARCO-TEJADA. V. GONZÁLEZ-DUGO, J.A.J. BERNI, R. SAGARDOY, F. MORALES and E. FERERES. 2009. Detecting water stress effects on fruit quality in orchards with time-series PRI airborne imagery, Remote Sensing of Environment, 114:286-298.
FERERES, E. 2008. The future of irrigation in horticulture. Chronica Horticulturae, 48:9-11.
GARCÍA-VILA, M., I.J. LORITE, M.A. SORIANO and E. FERERES. 2008. Management trends and responses to water scarcity in an irrigation scheme of Southern Spain. Agricultural Water Management, 95:458-468.
I NIESTA, F., L. TESTI, D. GOLDHAMER AND E. FERERES. 2008.Quantifying reductions in consumptive water use under regulated deficit irrigation in pistachio (Pistacia vera L.). Agricultural Water Management, 95:877-886.
SANTOS, C., I.J. LORITE, M. TASUMI, R.G. ALLEN and E. FERERES. 2008. Integrating satellited-basin evapotranspiration with simulation models for irrigation management at the scheme level. Irrigation Science, 26:277-288.
ZARCO-TEJADA, P.J., J.A.J. BERNI, L. SUÁREZ and E. FERERES. 2008. A new era in remote sensing of crops with unmanned robots. SPIE Newsroom, DOI: 10.1117/2.1200812.1438.
FERERES, E. and M.A. SORIANO. 2007. Deficit irrigation for reducing agricultural water use. Journal of Experimental Botany, 58:147-159.
GONZALEZ-DUGO, V., F. ORGAZ AND E. FERERES. 2007. Responses of pepper to deficit irrigation for paprika production. Scientia Horticulturae, 114:72-82.
HSIAO, T. C., P. STEDUTO, and E. FERERES. 2007. A systematic and quantitative approach to improve water use efficiency in agriculture. Irrigation Science, 25:209-231.
KASSAM, A.H., D. MOLDEN, E. FERERES and J. DOORENBOS. 2007. Water productivity: science and practice-introduction. Irrigation Science, 25:185-188.
LORITE, I.J., L. MATEOS, F. ORGAZ and E. FERERES. 2007. Assessing deficit irrigation strategies at the level of an irrigation district. Agricultural Water Management, 91:51-60.
MILGROOM, J., M.A. SORIANO, J.M. GARRIDO, J.A. GÓMEZ and E. FERERES. 2007. The influence of a shift from convencional to organic olive farming on soil management and erosion risk in Southern Spain. Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems, 22:1-10.
MILGROOM, J., J.A. GÓMEZ, M.A. SORIANO and E. FERERES. 2007. From experimental research to an on-farm tool for participatory monitoring and evaluation: an assessment of soil erosion risk in organic olive orchards. Land Degradation & Development. 18:397-411.
ORGAZ, F., F.J. VILLALOBOS, L. TESTI and E. FERERES. 2007. A model of daily mean canopy conductance for calculating transpiration of olive canopies. Functional Plant Biology, 34:178-188.
PASTOR, M., M. GARCÍA-VILA, M.A. SORIANO, V. VEGA and E. FERERES. 2007. Productivity of olive orchards in response to tree density. Journal of Horticultural Science & Biotechnology, 82:555-562.
PIRE, R., A. PEREIRA, J. DÍEZ y E. FERERES. 2007. Evaluación de la tolerancia a la sequía de un portainjerto venezolano de vid y posibles mecanismos condicionantes. Agrociencia, 41:435-446.
ROMERO, P., CASTRO, G., GOMEZ, J. A., and E. FERERES. 2007. Curve number values for olive orchards under different soil management. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 71(6):1758-1769. Impact index: 1.869 (JCR2006).
SEPULCRE-CANTÓ, G., P.J. ZARCO-TEJADA. J.C. JIMÉNEZ-MUÑOZ, J.A. SOBRINO, M.A. SORIANO, E. FERERES, V. VEGA and M. PASTOR. 2007. Monitoring yield and fruti quality parameters in open-canopy tree crops Ander water stress. Implications for ASTER. Remote Sensing of Environment, 107:455-470.
STEDUTO, P., T.C. HSIAO and E. FERERES. 2007. On the conservative behavior of biomass water productivity. Irrigation Science, 25:189-207.
ALCÁNTARA, A.M., J.A. GÓMEZ y E. FERERES. 2006. Evaluación del riesgo de erosión y productividad del olivar en producción integrada. Agricultura, 885:426-432.
CASTRO, G., P. ROMERO, J.A. GOMEZ and E. FERERES. 2006. Rainfall redistribution beneath an olive orchard. Agricultural Water Management, 86:249-258
FERERES, E. and R.G. EVANS. 2006. Irrigation of fruit trees and vines: an introduction. Irrigation Science 24:55-57.
MORENO-PÉREZ, M.F., F.J. VILLALOBOS and E. FERERES. 2006. Verificación de un equipo FDR para la medida del contenido de agua del suelo en dos sistemas de cultivo. Ingeniería del Agua, 12(4):345-359.
ORGAZ, F., L. TESTI, F.J. VILLALOBOS and E. FERERES. 2006. Water requirements of olive orchards II: determination of crop coefficients for irrigation scheduling. Irrigation Science, 24:77-84.
PASTOR MUÑOZ-COBO, M., J.C. HIDALGO MOYA, V. VEGA MACÍAS Y E. FERERES CASTIEL. 2006. Densidades de plantación en olivar de regadío. Densidades de plantación en olivar de regadío. El caso de las plantaciones superintensivas en Andalucía. Fruticultura 160:27-42, y Agricultura 888:708-718.
PASTOR MUÑOZ-COBO, M., J.C. HIDALGO MOYA, V. VEGA MACÍAS Y E. FERERES CASTIEL. 2006. Viabilidad económica de plantaciones superintensivas en Andalucía. Análisis financiero de la inversión a realizar en plantaciones intensivas y superintensivas. Vida Rural-Disier Olivar. 238:60-66.
TESTI, L., F.J. VILLALOBOS, F. ORGAZ and E. FERERES. 2006. Water requirements of olive orchards: I simulation of daily evapotranspiration for scenario analysis. Irrigation Science 24:69-76.
FERERES, E., F. ORGAZ, M. PASTOR, L.TESTI y F. VILLALOBOS. 2005. Strategie d’irrigazione in olivicoltura: uno studio spagnolo. PhytoMagazine. 14:41-47.
FERNANDEZ, M.A., M. GALLARDO, S. BONACHELA, F. ORGAZ, R.B. TOMPSON and E. FERERES. 2005. Water use and production of a greenhouse pepper crop under optimum and limited water supply. Journal of Horticultural Science & Biotechnology. 80(1):87-96.
GÓMEZ, J.A. and E. FERERES. 2005. Conservación de suelo y agua en el olivar andaluz en relación al sistema de manejo de suelo. (Eds) pp:43. Junta de Andalucía. Sevilla.
HARWOOD, R.R., A.H. KASSAM, H.M. GREGERSEN and E. FERERES. 2005. Natural Resources Management Research in the CGIAR: The Role of the Technical Advisory Committee. Experimental Agriculture 41:1-19.
LORITE I.J., L. MATEOS, and E. FERERES. 2005. Impact of spatial and temporal aggregation of input parameters on the assessment of irrigation scheme performance. Journal of Hydrology 300:286-299
ORGAZ, F., M.D. FERNANDEZ, S. BONACHELA, M. GALLARDO and E. FERERES. 2005. Evapotranspiration of horticultural crops in an unheated plastic greenhouse. Agricultural Water Management, 72:81-96.
PÉREZ-PRIEGO, O., P.J. ZARCO-TEJADA, J.R. MILLER, G. SEPULCRE-CANTÓ and E. FERERES. 2005. Detection of Water Stress in Orchard Trees with a High-Resolution Spectrometer through Chlorophyll Fluorescence in-filling of the O2-A band, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing. 43:2860-2869
FERERES, E. 2004. Water Limited Agriculture. Guest Editor of a Special Issue. European Journal of Agronomy, 21:399-401.
GÓMEZ, J.A., P. ROMERO, J.V. GIRÁLDEZ and E. FERERES. 2004. Experimental assessment of runoff and soil erosion in an olive grove on a Vertic soil in Southern Spain as affected by soil management. Soil Use and Management. 20:426-431.
GOLDHAMER, D.A., and E. FERERES. 2004. Irrigation scheduling of almond trees with trunk diameter sensors. Irrigation Science, 23:11-19.
KASSAM, A.H., H.M. GREGERSEN, E. FERERES, E.Q. JAVIER, R.R. HARWOOD, A. DE JANVRY and M.M. CERNEA. 2004. A framework for enhancing and guarding the relevance and quality of science: The case of the CGIAR. Experimental Agriculture, 40:1-21.
LORITE, I., L. MATEOS and E. FERERES. 2004. Evaluating irrigation performance in a Mediterranean environment. I. Model and general assessment of an irrigation scheme. Irrigation Science, 23:77-84.
LORITE, I., L. MATEOS and E. FERERES. 2004. Evaluating irrigation performance in a Mediterranean environment. II. Variability among crops and farmers. Irrigation Science, 23:85-92.
MATEOS, L., I. LORITE, D. LOZANO and E. FERERES. 2004. Water governance and management in the water users’ associations of Spain. Options Méditerranéennes Serie B, 48:233-241
MORIANA, A., and E. FERERES. 2004. Establishing Reference Values of Trunk Diameter Fluctuations and Stem Water Potential for Irrigation Scheduling of Olive Trees. Acta Horticulturae 664:407-412.
SORIANO, M.A., F. ORGAZ, F. VILLALOBOS and E. FERERES. 2004. Efficiency of water use of early planting of sunflower. European Journal of Agronomy, 21:465-476.
FERERES, E. and D.A. GOLDHAMER. 2003. Suitability of stem diameter variations and water potential as indicators for irrigation scheduling of almond trees. Journal of Horticultural Science & Biotechnology 78(2):139-144.
FERERES, E. and A. KASSAM. 2003. Water and the CGIAR: A Strategic Framework. Water International 28(1):122-129.
FERERES, E., D.A. GOLDHAMER and L.R. PARSONS. 2003. Irrigation Water Management of Horticultural Crops. Historical Review Compiled for the American Society of Horticultural Science's 100th Anniversary. HortScience 38(5):1036-1042.
GOLDHAMER, D.A., and E. FERERES. 2003. The Promise of Regulated Deficit Irrigation in California’s orchards and Vineyards. Water Conservation News, April 2003:6-9.
GOLDHAMER, D.A., E. FERERES and M. SALINAS. 2003. Can almond trees directly dictate their irrigation needs?. California Agriculture 57(4):138-144
GÓMEZ, J.A., M. BATTANY, C.S RENSCHLER and E. FERERES. 2003. Evaluating the impact of soil management on soil loss in olive orchards. Soil Use and Management 19:127-134.
LORITE, I., L. MATEOS y E. FERERES. 2003. Aplicación de un modelo de simulación a la evaluación de una zona regable. Ingeniería del agua, 10(4):517-525.
MORIANA, A., F. ORGAZ, M. PASTOR and E. FERERES. 2003. Yield Responses of Mature Olive Orchard to Water Deficits. Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science 128(3):425-431.
SORIANO, M.A., and E. FERERES. 2003. Use of crops for in situ phytoremediation of polluted soils following a toxic flood from a mine spill. Plant and Soil 256:253-264.
BLAKE R., E. FERERES, T. HENZELL y W. POWELL. 2002. ‘Las ciencias agropecuarias en la Argentina’. Ciencia Hoy 70:31-51.
EWERT F, D. RODRIGUEZ, P.D. JAMIESON, M.A. SEMENOV, R.A.C. MITCHELL, J. GOUDRIAAN, J.R. PORTER, B.A. KIMBALL, P.J. PINTER JR., R. MANDERSCHEID, H.J. WEIGEL, A. FANGMEIER, E. FERERES and F.J. VILLALOBOS. 2002. Effects of elevated CO2 and drought on wheat: testing crop simulation models for different experimental and climatic conditions. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 93:249-266.
GIRONA, J., M. MATA, E. FERERES, D.A. GOLDHAMER and M. COHEN. 2002. Evapotranspiration and soil water dynamics of peach trees under water deficits. Agricultural Water Management 54(2):107-122.
GÓMEZ, J.A., F. ORGAZ, F.J. VILLALOBOS and E. FERERES. 2002. Analysis of effects of soil management on runoff generation in olive orchards using a physically based model. Soil Use and Management 18:191-198.
GÓMEZ, J.A., K. VANDERLINDEN, J.V. GIRALDEZ and E. FERERES. 2002. Rainfall concentration under olive trees. Agricultural Water Management 55(1):53-70.
MORIANA, A. and E. FERERES. 2002. Plant Indicators for scheduling irrigation of young olive trees. Irrigation Science 21:83-90.
MORIANA, A., F.J. VILLALOBOS, and E. FERERES. 2002. Stomatal and photosynthetic responses of olive (Olea europaea L.) leaves to water deficits. Plant, Cell and Environment 25:395-405.
BONACHELA, S. F. ORGAZ, F.J. VILLALOBOS and E. FERERES. 2001. Soil evaporation from drip-irrigated olive orchards. Irrigation Science 20:65-71.
COHEN, M., E. FERERES, D.A. GOLDHAMER, M. MATA and J. GIRONA. 2001. Assessment of peach tree responses to irrigation water deficits by continuous monitoring of trunk diameter changes. Journal of Horticultural Science & Biotechnology 76(1):55-60.
FERNÁNDEZ, M.D., S. BONACHELA, M. GALLARDO, F. ORGAZ and E. FERERES. 2001. Irrigation Scheduling for plastic greenhouse melon crops based on historical reference evapotranspiration data. Acta Hortic. 559:383-389.
GOLDHAMER, D.A., E. FERERES, M. SALINAS, A. MORIANA and M. SOLER. 2001. Irrigation scheduling protocols for fruit trees using continuously recorded trunk diameter measurements. HortScience 36(3):450.
GOLDHAMER, D.A. and E. FERERES. 2001. Irrigation scheduling protocols using continuously recorded trunk diameter measurements. Irrigation Science 20:115-125.
GOLDHAMER, D.A. and E. FERERES. 2001. Simplified tree water status measurements can aid almond irrigation. California Agriculture 55(3):32-38.
GÓMEZ, J.A., J.V. GIRÁLDEZ and E. FERERES. 2001. Analysis of Infiltration and Runoff in an Olive Orchard under No-Till. Soil Science Society of America Journal 65:291-299.
GÓMEZ, J.A. J.V. GIRÁLDEZ and E. FERERES. 2001. Rainfall interception by olive trees in relation to leaf area. Agricultural Water Management, 49:65-76.
FERERES, E. y GOLDHAMER, D. 2000. Avances recientes en la programación de los riegos. Ingeniería del Agua 7:47-54.
GOLDHAMER, D.A., M. SOLER, M. SALINAS, E. FERERES, M. COHEN, J. GIRONA and M. MATA. 2000. Comparison of continuous and discrete plant-based. Monitoring for detecting tree water deficits and barriers to grower adoption for irrigation management. Acta Horticulturae 537(1):431-445.
LOZANO, D., E. FERERES, L. MATEOS, F. ORGAZ y F.J. VILLALOBOS. 2000. Curso de técnicas óptimas de manejo del riego. Formato CD Multimedia. Federación de Comunidades de Regantes de la Cuenca del Guadalquivir, Sevilla.
LOZANO, D., E. FERERES, L. MATEOS, F. ORGAZ y F.J. VILLALOBOS. 2000. Herramientas sobre técnicas óptimas de manejo del riego. Formato CD Multimedia. Federación de Comunidades de Regantes de la Cuenca del Guadalquivir, Sevilla.
MORIANA, A., J. CASTRO, D. HUMANES, F. ORGAZ, M. PASTOR and E. FERERES. 2000. The relations between trunk diameter fluctuations and tree water status in olive trees (Olea europaea L.). Acta Horticulturae 537(1):293-297.
VILLALOBOS F.J., F.ORGAZ, L. TESTI and E. FERERES. 2000. Measurement and modelling of evapotranspiration of olive (Olea europaea L.) orchards. European Journal of Agronomy. 13:155-163.
BATTILANI, A. and E. FERERES. 1999. The use of decision support systems to manage fertigation and to minimize environmental effects: a challenge for the future. Acta Horticulturae 487:547-554.
BONACHELA, S., F. ORGAZ, F.J. VILLALOBOS and E. FERERES. 1999. Measurement and simulation of evaporation from soil in olive orchards. Irrigation Science 18(4):205-211.
CONNOR, D.J., and E. FERERES. 1999. A dynamic model of crop growth and partitioning of biomass. Field Crops Research 63(2):139-157.
FERERES, E. 1999. Impatto della programmazione dell’irrigazione nel 21º secolo. Revista Internazionale dell’Acqua e dell’Irrigazione 19(4):13-17.
FERERES, E. 1999. Irrigation scheduling and its impact on the 21st century. Irrigation News 28:39-48.
FERERES, E., D. GOLDHAMER, M. COHEN. J. GIRONA and M. MATA.1999. Continuous trunk diameter recording can reveal water stress in peach trees. California Agriculture 53(4):21-25.
GOLDHAMER, D., E. FERERES, M. COHEN, M. MATA and J. GIRONA. 1999. Sensitivity of continuous and discrete plant and soil water status monitoring in peach trees subjected to deficit irrigation. Journal of American Society for Horticultural Science 124 (4):437-444.
GOMEZ, J.A., J.V. GIRALDEZ, M. PASTOR and E. FERERES. 1999. Effects of tillage method on soil physical properties, infiltration and yield in an olive orchard. Soil & Tillage Research 52:167-175.
MATA, M., J. GIRONA. D. GOLDHAMER, E. FERERES, M. COHEN and S. JOHNSON. 1999 Water relations of lysimeter-grown peach trees are sensitive to deficit irrigation. California Agriculture 53(4):17-21.
PASTOR M, J. CASTRO, M.J. MARISCAL, V. VEGA, F. ORGAZ, E. FERERES y J. HIDALGO. 1999. Respuestas del olivar tradicional a diferentes estrategias y dosis de agua de riego. Investigación Agraria. Producción y Protección Vegetales 14(3):393-404.
ESCALANTE, J.A., M.T. RODRIGUEZ, A. DE HARO and E. FERERES. 1998. Acquisition, partitioning and remobilization of nitrogen and their relationship to seed yield in Mediterranean sunflower. Helia 21:81-94.
FERERES, E., and J.A. GOMEZ. 1998. Riesgo de erosión y sistemas de manejo de suelo en olivar: Modelización del proceso de infiltración y uso de cubiertas de gramíneas autóctonas. Mercacei 14:104.
PAVEL, E.W., and E. FERERES. 1998. Low soil temperatures induce water deficits in olive (Olea europaea) trees. Physiologia Plantarum 104:525-532.
FERERES, E. 1997. Irrigation scheduling of horticultural crops. Acta Horticultarae 449:253-258.
FERERES, E. 1997. Els desafiaments de l’agricultura Sostenible. Departament de Medi Ambient, Generalitat de Catalunya. Medi Ambient, Tecnología i Cultura 18:4-13.
GIMENEZ, C., E. FERERES, C. RUZ and F.ORGAZ. 1997. Water relations and gas exchange of olive trees: diurnal and seasonal patterns of leaf water potential, photosynthesis and stomatal conductance. Acta Horticulturae 449(2):411-415.
FERERES, E. 1996. Irrigation scheduling and Its impact on the 21st Century. Proceedings of the international Conference on Evapotranspiration and irrigation scheduling. San Antonio, Texas. American Society of Agricultural Engineers. St. Joseph, Mi, USA, pp: 547-553.
MANTOVANI, E.C., F. ORGAZ, F.J. VILLALOBOS, and E. FERERES. 1995. Modelling the effects of sprinkler irrigation uniformity on crop yield. Agricultural Water Management 27:243-257.
BONACHELA, S., F. ORGAZ and E. FERERES. 1995. Winter cereals grown for grain and the dual purpose of forage and grain. I. Field Crops Research 44:1-11.
BONACHELA, S., F. ORGAZ and E. FERERES. 1995. Winter cereals grown for grain and the dual purpose of forage and grain. II. Field Crops Research 44:13-24.
CANTERO-MARTINEZ, C., J.M. VILLAR, I. ROMAGOSA and E. FERERES. 1995. Growth and yield responses of two contrasting barley cultivars in a Mediterranean environment. European Journal of Agronomy 4(3):309-316.
VILLALOBOS, F.J., V.O. SADRAS, A. SORIANO and E. FERERES. 1994. Planting density effects on dry matter partitioning and productivity of sunflower hybrids. Field Crops Research 36:1-11.
ANDRADE, A., D.W. WOLFE and E. FERERES. 1993. Leaf expansion, photosynthesis and water relations of sunflower plants grown on compacted soil. Plant and Soil 149:175-184.
GALLARDO M. and E. FERERES. 1993. Grain protein and grain yield of tritordeum in comparison to wheat and triticale. Plant and Soil 153:287-293 .
GALLARDO, M. and E. FERERES. 1993. Growth, grain yield and water use efficiency of Tritordeum in relation to wheat. European Journal of Agronomy 2(2):83-91.
LÓPEZ-GÁLVEZ, J., N. CASTILLA, F. ORGAZ and E. FERERES. 1993. Drip irrigation technology transfer for the greenhouse industry in Almería (Spain). Acta Horticulturae 335:563-567.
SADRAS, V.O., F.J. VILLALOBOS and E.FERERES. 1993. Leaf expansion in field-grown sunflower in response to soil and leaf water status. Agronomy Journal 85:564-570.
SADRAS, V.O., F.J. VILLALOBOS, E. FERERES and D.W. WOLFE. 1993. Leaf responses to soil water deficits: Comparative sensitivy of leaf expansion rate and leaf conductance in fields-grown sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.). Plant and Soil 153:189-194.
FERNANDEZ, J.E., F. MORENO, J. MARTÍN-ARANDA y E. FERERES. 1992. Olive-tree root dynamics under different soil water regimes. Agric. Mediterran. 122:225-235.
ORGAZ, F., L. MATEOS., E. FERERES. 1992. Season length and cultivars determine the optimum evapotranspiration deficit in cotton. Agronomy Journal 84(4):700-706.
VILLALOBOS, F.J., A. SORIANO and E. FERERES. 1992. Effects of shading on dry matter partitioning and yield of field-grown sunflower. European Journal of Agronomy 1(2):109-115.
FERERES, E. and GOLDHAMER, D. 1991. Plastic mulch increases cotton yield, reduces need for preseason irrigation. California Agriculture 25 (May-Jun).
MATEOS, L., H. GOMEZ y E. FERERES. 1991. Riego por goteo del algodón en Las Marismas de Sevilla. Invest. Agr.: Prod. Prot. Veg. 6(2):241-253.
MATEOS, L., J. BERENGENA, F. ORGAZ, J. DIZ and E. FERERES. 1991. A comparison between drip and furrow irrigation in cotton at two levels of water supply. Agricultural Water Management 19:313-324.
MATEOS, L., J. BERENGENA, A. SORIANO, F. ORGAZ, A. TELLEZ y E. FERERES. 1991. Efectos del riego por goteo y del riego por surcos en la fenología y el rendimiento del algodón. Inv. Agr.: Prod. Prot. Veg. 6(1):68-80.
ORGAZ, F., S. BONACHELA, L. MATEOS y E. FERERES. 1991. Desarrollo fenológico y producción de cultivares de algodón el valle del Guadalquivir bajo diversos regímenes de riego. Invest. Agr.: Prod. Prot. Veg. 6(1):53-67.
CASTILLA, N. and E. FERERES. 1990. The climate and water requirements of tomatoes in unheated plastic greenhouses. Agric. Mediterran. 120:1-7.
CASTILLA, N. y E. FERERES. 1990. Evapotranspiración de cultivos hortícolas en invernadero en Almería. Invest. Agr.: Prod. Prot. Veg. 5(1):117-125.
CASTILLA, N., F. ELIAS y E. FERERES. 1990. Caracterización de condiciones climáticas y de relaciones suelo-agua-raíz en el cultivo enarenado del tomate en invernadero en Almería. Invest. Agr.: Prod. Prot. Veg. 5 (2):1-13.
CASTILLA, N. and E. FERERES. 1990. Tomato growth and yield in unheated plastic greenhouses in a Mediterranean climate. Agric. Mediterran. 120:31-40.
FERERES, E. and F. VILLALOBOS. 1990. The partitioning of evapotranspiration into E and T for irrigation scheduling of vegetable crops. Acta Horticulturae, 278:113-118
FERNANDEZ, J.M., J. DOMINGUEZ., C. GIMENEZ, and E. FERERES, 1990. Registration of five sunflower high-oil restorer germplasm populations. Crop Science 30(4):965-966.
VILLALOBOS, F.J. and E. FERERES. 1990. Evaporation measurements beneath corn, cotton and sunflower canopies. Agronomy Journal 82:1153-1159.
CASTILLA, N., P. LORENZO, J.I. MONTERO, E. FERERES, F. BRETONES, J. LOPEZ-GALVEZ and J. PEREZ PARRA. 1989. Alternative greenhouses for mild winter climate areas of Spain. Acta Horticulturae 245:63-70.
FERERES, E. 1989. Stomatal conductance: measurement and significance. Proceedings of the International Potash Institute, 21th Colloquium, Berna, Suiza. pp: 219-233.
GALLARDO, M. y E. FERERES. 1989. Resistencia a la sequía del tritordeo (Hordeum chilense x Triticum turgidum) en relación a la del trigo, cebada y triticale. Invest. Agr.: Prod. Prot. Veg. 4(3):361-375.
GIMENO, V., J.M. FERNANDEZ-MARTÍNEZ and E. FERERES. 1989. Winter plantings as a means of drought escape in sunflower. Field Crops Research 22:307-316.
PUECH, I., T.C. HSIAO, E. FERERES and D.W. HENDERSON. 1989. Water-stress effects on the carbon exchange rates of three upland cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) cultivars in the field. Field Crops Research 21:239-255.
VILLALOBOS, F.J. and E. FERERES. 1989. A simulation model for irrigation scheduling under variable rainfall. Transactions of the Amer. Soc. Agric. Engn. 32(1):181-188.
GIMENEZ, C. y E. FERERES. 1987. Resistencia a la sequía de cultivares de girasol bajo condiciones de campo. Investigación agraria. Producción y Protección Vegetal 2(1):67-87.
CASTILLA, N., C. GIMENEZ and E. FERERES. 1986. Tomato root development on sand-mulch, plastic greenhouse in Almería, Spain. Acta Horticulturae (Holanda) 191:113-121.
FERERES, E., C. GIMENEZ, and J. FERNANDEZ. 1986. Genetic variability in sunflower cultivars under drought. I. Yield relationships. Australian Journal of Agricultural Research 37:573 82.
GIMENEZ, C. and E. FERERES. 1986. Genetic variability in sunflower cultivars under drought. II. Growth and water relations. Australian Journal of Agricultural Research 37:583 97.
GIMENO, V., J.M. FERNANDEZ and E. FERERES. 1986. Sunflower responses to winter plantings in a mediterranean environment. Helia 8:63 67.
PRUITT, W.O., E. FERERES, K. KAITA and R. SNYDER. 1986. Reference Evapotranspiration for California. University of California Bulletin # 1922, 13 p. + 12 maps
VILLALOBOS, F. y E. FERERES. 1986. Evaluación del sistema de riego por aspersión a la demanda del Sector E-1 de la Zona regable del Canal de Montijo (Badajoz). Invest. Agr. Producción y Protección Vegetal 1(3):85-107.
FERERES, E., R. CUEVAS and F. ORGAZ. 1985. Drip irrigation of cotton in southern Spain. Proceedings of the 3rd Int. Drip/Trickle Irrig. Congress, Fresno, California, USA. Amer.Soc. Agric. Engn. Spec. Pub. pp:187 192.
FERERES, E. 1984. Variability in adaptive mechanisms to water deficits in annual and perennial crop plants. Bulletin Societé Botanique de France. Actualités Botaniques 131:17 32.
PRUITT, W.E., E. FERERES, D.W. HENDERSON, and R.M. HAGAN. 1984. Evapotranspiration losses of tomatoes under drip and furrow irrigation. California Agriculture 38(5 6):10 11.
PRUITT, W.O., E. FERERES, P.E. MARTIN, H. SINGH, D.W. HENDERSON, R.M. HAGAN, E. TARANTINO and B. CHANDIO. 1984. Microclimate, evapotranspiration and water-use efficiency for drip and furrow-irrigated tomatoes. Proceedings of the 12th Congress of the Int. Com. Irrig. Drain. Fort Collins, Colorado, USA, pp:367 394.
FERERES, E., C. GIMENEZ, J. BERENGENA, J. FERNANDEZ, and J. DOMINGUEZ. 1983. Genetic variability of sunflower cultivars in response to drought. Helia 6:17 21.
WOLFE, D.W., E. FERERES and R.E. VOSS. 1983. Growth and yield responses of two potato cultivars to various levels of applied water. Irrigation Science 3:211-222.
CASTEL, J.R. and E. FERERES. 1982. Responses of young almond trees to two drought periods in the field. Journal of Horticultural Science 57:175-187.
FERERES, E., D.A. MARTINICH, T.M. ALDRICH, J.R. CASTEL, E. HOLZAPFEL and H. SCHULBACH. 1982. Drip Irrigation Saves Money in Young Almond Orchards. California Agriculture 36:12-13.
FERERES, E. HENDERSON, D.W., W.O. PRUITT. and R.S. AYERS. 1981. Basic irrigation scheduling, University of California, Davis. Leaflet 21199. 8 p.
FERERES, E., P.M. KITLAS, R.E. GOLDFIEN, W.O. PRUITT and R.M. HAGAN. 1981. Simplified but scientific irrigation scheduling. California Agriculture 35(5-6):19 21.
FERERES, E., T.M. ALDRICH, H. SCHULBACH and D.A. MARTINICH. 1981. Responses of young almond trees to late-season drought. California Agriculture 35(7-8):11-12.
FERERES, E. 1981. Irrigation of prunes. In: Prune Orchard Management. University of California Publication nº 3269. pp:69-74.
FERERES, E. and I. PUECH. 1981. Irrigation Scheduling Guide. Office of Water Conservation. California Department of Water Resources. (A reference manual containing 11 sections on irrigation scheduling), 307p.
RESENDE, M., D.W. HENDERSON and E. FERERES. 1981. Irrigation frequency, crop development and yield of kidney bean. Pesq. Agropec. Bras. 16(3):363 370.
ABOU HAIDAR, S., E. FERERES and R.W. HARRIS. 1980. Drought adaptation of two species of Cotoneaster. Journal of Horticultural Science (London) 55:267-272.
FACI, J.M. and E. FERERES. 1980. Response of grain sorghum to variable water supply under two irrigation frequencies. Irrigation Science 1:149-159.
ACEVEDO, E., E. FERERES, T.C. HSIAO and D.W. HENDERSON. 1979. Diurnal growth trends, water potential, and osmotic adjustment of maize and sorghum leaves in the field. Plant Physiology 64:476-480.
BETHELL, R., E. FERERES, R. BUCHNER and B. FITZPATRICK. 1979. Water Conservation and management for foothill orchards. California Agriculture 33(10):7-9.
FERERES, E., G. CRUZ ROMERO, G.L. HOFFMAN and S.L. RAWLINS. 1979. Recovery of orange trees following severe water stress. Journal of Applied Ecology 16:833-842.
FERERES, E., B. AMRY, J. FACI, A. KAMGAR, D.W. HENDERSON and M. RESENDE. 1978. A closer look at deficit high frequency irrigation. California Agriculture 32(8):4-5.
FERERES, E., J.L. MEYER, K.K. ALJIBURY, H. SCHULBACH, A.W. MARSH, and A.R. REED. 1978. Irrigation costs, University of California, Leaflet 2875, 15 p.
FERERES, E., E. ACEVEDO, T.C. HSIAO and D.W. HENDERSON. 1978. Seasonal changes in water potential and turgor maintenance in sorghum and maize under water stress. Physiologia Plantarum 44:261-267.
FERERES, E. 1976. Growth, development and yield of sorghum in the field under variable water supply. PhD. Dissertation, University of California, Davis. 254 p.

HSIAO,T.C., E. ACEVEDO, E. FERERES and D.W. HENDERSON. 1976. Water stress, growth and osmotic adjustment. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, London, B. 273:479-500.


Blog Personal: Dr. Elias Fereres Castiel