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Torralbo-Caballero , Juan de Dios (Dr.)

Curriculum Vitae


Juan de Dios Torralbo Caballero (Córdoba, 1977)

Full Professor of English Literature, he teaches English Literature and Literary Translation at the University of Córdoba, Spain. He holds a Ph.D in English Studies from said institution (2007) and a Ph.D in Spanish Language and Literature from the University Complutense of Madrid (2019). Juande has written essays on Blanco White, Juan Valera, Alberto Lista, the Cántico Group and Carlos Clementson. Within English literature, he has mainly written essays on Restoration and Augustan Literature, including Hester Pulter, Aphra Behn, Katherine Philips, John Milton, John Dryden, Alexander Pope and Anne Brontë, as well as the contemporary Canadian writer Bruce Meyer. He has completed research stays at institutions such as King's College London, the University of Montpellier, and the University of Clermont Auvergne. As a Visiting Scholar he has taught undergraduate and graduate courses at other universities, such as the University College of London, Orleans, and Catania.

Research interests

  • Restoration Literature. Reception of English poetry in Spain. Juan Valera.

Current Projects

  • Contextual study and annotated edition. Juan Valera, Juanita la Larga, Madrid: Cátedra. Forthcoming. 2023
  • "Web Portal of History of Translation in Spain" (Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities, PGC2018-095447-B-I00). Main researcher: Luis Pegenaute Rodríguez
  • "EMOTHE: Spanish and European Theatre of the XVI and XVII Centuries: Heritage and Database” (Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, PID2019-104045GB-C54). Main researcher: Jesús Tronch Pérez.

Professional activity

  • Teaches English Literature and Literary Translation Courses at the University of Cordoba, Spain


Books and book chapters (Selection)

“'I will amuse myself with my neglected diary, if I can give that name to such an irregular composition': Textum y reescritura en The Tenant of Wildfell Hall”, Formas y variedades tradicionales de la traducción especializada: Literaria, jurídico-económica, científica. C. Balbuena Torezano & M.A. García Peinado, (eds), Berlin: Peter Lang. Forthcoming.

“‘Who says my hand a needle better fits’: Anne Bradstreet en su poesía”, Voces de mujeres, Assia Moshine (ed.). Forthcoming.

“El estatuto del narrador en The Tenant of Wildfell Hall”, Innovación metodológica para la investigación y docencia en Filología y Traducción: Casos prácticos. Soledad Díaz & Pilar Guerrero (eds). Sevilla: Aula Magna McGraw-Hill. 2020, 115-130.

"Canada Literaturized: Bruce Meyer's 1967. Centennial Year". Bruce Meyer: Essays on his works. Benjamin Ghan (ed). Essential Writers Series. Toronto: Guernica Editions. 2023. Forthcoming.

"The Social Spaces of Frances Erskine Inglis's Life in Mexico". Del aire al aire: Negotiating Space in Latin America. Patricia Vilches (ed). Leiden/Boston: Brill. Rodopi. 2020. 209-229.

"Novelistic Self-Consciousness and the Making of the English Novel: From Incognita to Northanger Abbey". Estudios de literatura y traducción: Teoría y Práctica. Berlin: Peter Lang. 2020. 273-312.

"La traduction littéraire et la réception du contexte". Traduction et contextes, contextes de la traduction. Bénédicte Mathios et Michaël Grégoire (eds) Colección Traductologie. Paris: L'Harmattan. 2019: 219-237.

"‘The Garden, or the Contention of Flowers’ de Lady Hester Pulter: traducción y estudio filológico de poemas". Traducción literaria y discursos traductológicos especializados. Berlin: Peter Lang. 2018: 53-71.

"John Bunyan's The Pilgrim's Progress as an early bestseller". Bestseller- gestern und heute. Tübingen: Narr Francke Attempto Verlag, 2016. 184-199.

"Literary Overtones, Self-Fashioning and Poetics in Chaucer's The House of Fame". New Medievalisms. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars, 2015. 149-176.

The Poetry of Bruce Meyer: The Inaugural Poet Laureate for Barrie. Granada, Comares, 2015

"'The reader who cannot enjoy Pope as poetry probably understands no poetry': The literary career of Alexander Pope". Cultural Aspects of Translation. Tübingen: Narr Francke Attempto Verlag, 2013. 209-235.

"'Laeteritium invenit, marmoream reliquit': The literary career of John Dryden". Aspects of Literary Translation. Tübingen: Günter Narr Verlag. 2012. 55-76.

"Blanco White's Anglophilia, Translations and Poetry. A Self-exiled Writer in England". Caleidoscopio de traducción literaria, Madrid, Dykinson, 2012. 231-253.

Journal articles (Selection)

“La epístola Eloisa to Abelard de Alexander Pope y sus traducciones e imitaciones en Francia en el siglo XVIII”, Çédille 20 (2021): 515-153

“Anne Brontë’s The Tenant of Wildfell Hall and Waldo Leirós’ Spanish Translation: A comparative study”, Lebende Sprachen 65.2 (2020): 278–302.

“El complejo eclecticismo de las traducciones en la revista Cántico: Fisuras ideológicas en la época de Franco”. Signa. Revista de la Asociación Española de Semiótica 29 (2020): 807-842.

"'There's a very pretty brew in tap at The Pure Drop': Societal parameters in Tess of the D'Urbervilles". Societal Studies (2020): 67-85.

"‘Making my meaning understood’: Analysing metaphors in Great Expectations". Brno Studies in English 46.1 (2020): 243-260.

"Anne Brontë’s Helen and her atypical insubordination: ‘a will of her own’", Romanian Journal of English Studies (RJES) 16 (2019): 16-24

"'I found pen, ink and paper [...] I kept things very exact': Genreness in Robinson Crusoe". BAS Journal 25 (2019): 15-31.

"'Yet is she a plain and rational writer: Margaret Cavendish's self-fashioning in The Blazing World, politics, science and literatura". BAS Journal 24 (2018): 19-35.

"'The translatres in her own person speaks'; Estudio de las traducciones de Aphra Behn a partir de la tipología de Dryden". Alpha. Revista de Artes, Letras y Filosofía 45 (2017): 217-233.

"'For, alas, I'm dumb, alas I love': Rhetoric of disability, female agency and tragedy in "The Dumb Virgin"". SEDERI yearbook of the Spanish and Portuguese Society for English Renaissance Studies 27 (2017): 167-192.

"Jane Austen's Literary Ego as Revealed in her Letters: References to her Primary Works". Romanticismi 2 (2017): 90-108.

"'I drink to thee': Female agency and female authority as gender reversal in "The Unfortunate Happy Lady."" Études Anglaises 69-4 (2016): 410-426.

"Why did I write?: Argumenta ad homines as a Strategy of self-Representation in An Epistle to Dr. Arbuthnot". Anuario de estudios filológicos 38 (2015): 225-240.

"Alexander Pope: literary Translator and Editor, from Binfield to Twickenham". Alicante Journal of English Studies (26) 2013: 271-293.

"Echoes de America: Juan Valera in Washington". Siglo diecinueve 17 (2011): 141-169.

"Alberto Lista: an anglophile pioneer in Spanish translation". Entreculturas 3 (2010): 399-413.

Critical Editions and translations

Katherine Philips. Obra poética. Madrid: Cátedra, 2020. (Authors: A. García Calderón & J. D. Torralbo Caballero)

Poesía inglesa femenina del siglo XVIII. Estudio y traducción. Vertere. Monográficos de la Revista Hermeneus, 2011. (Authors: M.A. García Peinado, A. García & V.López, J. Torralbo)

Poesía femenina inglesa de la Restauración. Córdoba: UCOpress.2010 (Authors: A. García & J. Torralbo)

Poesía inglesa femenina del siglo XVII. Valencia: Letra Capital. 2009. (Authors: A. García & J. Torralbo)