El Departamento de Agronomía exhibe los resultados

Researchers consolidation, talent attraction and the increase of its scientific production are some of the principal achievements of DAUCO in the last four years

More than 417 papers published since 2019, 4.940 quotes, an h-index of 31, 115 transfer projects with an investment of 6,4 millions of euros, 117 public projects with an investment of almost 14 millions, 30 thesis, an average of 44 predocs studients every year and an increasing staff consolidation rate that allows two researchers to stabilize each year. Those are some of the achievements shared by DAUCO during the Expert Advisory Committee visit, facts that shows the impact that the acreditation of Unity of Excelence María de Maeztu has made in order to strengthen the institution, a national reference in agronomic research.

During two days, the Comittee has known the activity of DAUCO, in order to prepare an advisory report that the management team can use to guide the goals and working lines in the next years. In addition, the experts have had meetings with PI of the different researching groups that form DAUCO, who speaked about it as a propitius ecosistem which allows the researchers to develop their own careers, stablishing synergies between several study lines and motivating a multidisciplinar and applied research, focused in answering some of the greatest challenges of our societies and particulary of the agriculture, such as climate change.

The experts could also meet some predocs and postdoc as well as some of the resources and infrastructures, such as laboratories or outdoor workspaces as the Global Olive Germoplasm Bank in Rabanales Campus. This visit allowed them to know some of the research project of DAUCO, such as solar enery based irrigation systems or soil's autofertilization processes.