Dr. Sánchez performed a post-doc stage at the Electrochemistry and Catalyst and Organic Synthesis Laboratory of CNRS (Thiais-Paris; France, 1995). He joined the Inorganic Chemistry Department of the University of Córdoba in 1996, being professor of this department from 1998. He has been/is supervisor of 12 Master theses in Chemistry and Materials Science.

His scientific activity has been carried out mostly in the field of study of Solid State Chemistry, with special attention to the design of functional materials (oxides, hydroxides, chalcogenides, metals,…) in various forms: micro/nano particles, thin layers, composites, 3D.

He leads a line of research focused on the study of new inorganic materials for construction and environmental remediation, as well as the valorization of industrial wastes. Otherwise, on the last 10 years he is mainly working in the study of materials for photocatalytic De-NOx actions a line of research which is growing exponentially. Both lines of research have been successful in the form of contracts with industry-leading companies, relevant publications, projects with high funding and a high social impact on the media. Medium/long-term scientific objectives are focussed to the preparation of low cost and highly effective frontier materials for environmental remediation with the aim to be implemented for the benefit of the Society. Overall, his scientific activity is summarized by the publication of 113 papers and 126 communications presented at national/international congresses (h index = 34).