Galván, I., Solano, F., Zougagh, M., de Andrés, F., Murtada, K., Ríos, A., de la Peña, E. & Carranza, J. (2019). Unprecedented high catecholamine production causing hair pigmentation after urinary…
Carranza, J., Yoong, W.A., Caño Vergara, B., Briones, A., & Concha Mateos, C. (2018) Grass greenness flush can influence breeding phenology and fertility in equatorial thoroughbred mares in the absence…
Pérez-Barbería, F.J. & Walker, D.M. (2018) Dynamics of social behaviour at parturition in a gregarious ungulate. Behavioural Processes 150, 75-84 Group living is the behavioural response that results when individuals…
Carranza, J., Roldán, M. & Barbanti Duarte, J.M., (2018) Lack of mate selectivity for genetic compatibility within the red brocket deer Mazama americana complex. Mamm. Biol. 88: 168-175. Red brocket deer Mazama americana includes at…
Carranza, J., Yoong, W.A., Mateos, C., Caño Vergara, B., Gómez, C.L., Macías, V. (2017) Reproductive phenology of Creole horses in Ecuador in the absence of photoperiod variation: The effects of…
Carranza, J., Roldan, M., Carvalho-Peroni, E.F., Barbatini-Duarte, J.M., (2017) Weak premating isolation between two parapatric brocket deer species Mammalian Biology 87:17–26 Brocket deer Mazama nemorivaga and M. gouazoubira occur at…
Martínez-Jauregui, M., Linares, O., Carranza, J., Soliño, M. (2017) Dealing with conflicts between people and colonizing native predator species. Biological Conservation 209: 239-244. The conflicts associated with the return of…
Valencia, J., Mateos, C., de la Cruz, C., Carranza, J. (2017) Maternal allocation in eggs when counting on helpers in a cooperatively breeding bird. Journal of Avian Biology 48, 536–543…
Pérez-González, J., Costa, V., Santos, P., Carranza, J., Zsolnai, A., Fernández-Llario, P., Monteiro, N.M., Anton, I., Beja-Pereira, A. (2016) Heterozygosity decrease in wild boar mating system. A case of outbreeding…
Herruzo, A.C., Martínez-Jaúregui M., Carranza, J., Campos, P. (2016) Commercial income and capital of hunting: an application to forest estates in Andalucía. Forest Policy and Economics 69: 53-61. This paper…
Linares, O., Torres, J. & Carranza, J. (2011) Certificación de la Calidad Cinegética. Trofeo Caza 493, 36-37. ISBN:6001-1970
Torres, J. & Carranza, J. (2010). Accidentes causados por fauna silvestre en las carreteras: medidas para reducirlos. Trofeo 481: 34-35 (M. 6001-1970).