
Libros y Capítulos en libros

Publicaciones Científicas

Publicaciones de Divulgación

Martín, J. et al. (2014)

Martín, J., Carranza, J., López, P., Alarcos, S., Pérez-González, J. (2014) A new sexual signal in rutting male red deer: age related chemical scent constituents in the belly black spot.…

Fernández-García, J. L. et al. (2014)

Fernández-García, J. L., Carranza, J., Martínez, J. G., Randi, E. (2014). Mitochondrial D-loop phylogeny signals two native Iberian red deer (Cervus elaphus) Lineages genetically different to Western and Eastern European…

Risco, D. et al. (2013)

Risco, D., Fernández-Llario, P., García-Jiménez, W.L., Gonçalves, P., Cuesta, J.M., Martínez, R., Sanz, C., Sequeda, M., Gómez, l., Carranza, J., Hermoso de Mendoza, J. (2013). Influence of Porcine Circovirus Type…

Passilongo, D. et al. (2013)

Passilongo, D., Reby, D., Carranza, J., Apollonio, M. (2013) Roaring High and Low: Composition and Possible Functions of the Iberian Stag’s Vocal Repertoire. PLoS ONE 8(5): e63841. We provide a…

Volodin, I. et al. (2013)

Volodin, I., Volodina, E., Frey, R., Carranza, J. & Torres-Porras, J. (2013). Spectrographic analysis points to source-filter coupling in rutting roars of Iberian red deer. Acta Ethol. 16, 57-63. DOI 10.1007/s10211-012-0133-1.…

Torres-Porras, J. et al. (2013)

Torres-Porras, J., Carranza, J., Pérez-González, J., Mateos, C., Alarcos, S. (2013) The tragedy of the commons: unsustainable population structure of Iberian red deer in hunting estates. European Journal of Wildlife…

Costa V. et al. (2012)

Costa, V., Pérez-González, J., Santos, P., Fernández-Llario, P., Carranza, J., Zsolnai, A., Anton, I., Buzgó, J., Varga, G., Monteiro, N., Beja-Pereira, A. (2012) Microsatellite markers for identification and parentage analysis…

Pérez-González, J. et al. (2012)

Pérez-González, J., Frantz, A., Torres-Porras, J., Castillo, l. & Carranza, J. (2012). Population structure, habitat features and genetic structure of managed red deer populations. Eur. J. Wildl. Res. 58, 933–943.…

Frey, R. et al. (2012)

Frey, R., Volodin, I., Volodina, E., Carranza, J. & Torres-Porras, J. (2012). Vocal anatomy, tongue protrusion behaviour and the acoustics of rutting roars in free-ranging Iberian red deer stags (Cervus…

Carranza, J. & Polo, V. (2012)

Carranza, J. & Polo, V. (2012). Is there an expected relationship between parental expenditure and sex ratio of litters or broods?. Animal Behaviour 84, 67-76. Parents may be selected to adjust…

Carranza, J. (2009)

Carranza, J. (2009). Viene la certificación de la Calidad Cinegética a Extremadura. Caza Extremadura, Noviembre 2009.

Carranza, J. (2009)

Carranza, J. (2009). Lo último que sabemos sobre la Berrea. Trofeo (septiembre 2009).

Carranza, J. (2009)

Carranza, J. (2009). Nace en Andalucía la Cátedra de Recursos Cinegéticos y Piscícolas. Trofeo 472: 38 (M. 6001-1970).

Torres, J. & Carranza, J. (2009)

Torres, J. & Carranza, J. (2009). Caza sin fronteras. Sur de África: actividad cinegética y conservación. La Caza y su mundo 74: 78-83. (M-30385-2003).