8 de July de 2019 0 Comentarios

La ITN SMARTINCS  «PhD Training Network on Self-healing Multifunctional Advanced Repair Technologies in Cementitious Systems» en la que participa la Universidad de Córdoba, ha lanzado 15 contratos a tiempo completo para Investigadores en su Etapa Inicial , Early Stage Researchers (ESR) que tendrán una duración mínima de 36 meses comenzando entre el 1 de diciembre de 2019 y el 1 de junio de 2020, como fecha más tardía.

Dentro de estos contratos, la Universidad de Córdoba participará como institución de acogida en el siguiente perfil:

  • ESR6: Crystalline self-healing technology for non-shrinkage cementitious grouts in non-structural applications, PhD in Chemistry – The ESR will design multifunctional non-shrinkage cementitious grouts with enhanced performance in specific non-structural applications. Host: University of Cordoba (Spain) – Secondments: Cambridge University (United Kingdom, 3.5 M), Politecnico di Milano (Italy, 3 M), Penetron (Italy, 4 M)

Los siguientes perfiles resultan interesantes especialmente para investigadores de nuestra Universidad que cumplan la regla de movilidad

  • ESR1: Optimised vascular network, PhD in Civil Engineering – The ESR will develop an algorithm to optimize the topology of vascular networks used in self-healing concrete and will realize the optimal design through 3D printing. Host: Ghent University (Belgium)
  • ESR2: Advanced capsule manufacturing techniques, PhD in Engineering – The ESR will explore and scale up the new and promising technique of membrane emulsification for the production of capsules with functionalized surfaces. Host: Micropore Technologies (United Kingdom)
  • ESR3: Self-protected bacteria for healing and corrosion inhibition, PhD in Bio-Engineering – The ESR will select, improve and functionalize self-protected bacterial granules showing both repetitive self-healing and anti-corrosion activity at reasonable cost. Host: Avecom (Belgium)
  • ESR4: Optimised mix design, joint (KU Leuven-UPV) PhD in Engineering Technology and Construction Engineering – The ESR will develop a methodology for the design of optimized self-healing concrete mixes to be used in ready-mixed and prefab concrete applications. Particle packing models will be upgraded for inclusion of self-healing agents in concrete mix designs. Host: KU Leuven – Ghent Technology Campus (Belgium)
  • ESR5: Science-based modelling of self-healing systems, PhD in Numerical Modelling – The ESR will improve the accuracy and range of applicability of multiscale coupled numerical models for self-healing systems through a science-based approach that is underpinned by the physics and chemistry of healing processes and informed by detailed experimental observations. Host: University of Cardiff (United Kingdom)
  • ESR7: Self-healing repair mortars, PhD in Civil Engineering – The ESR will embed smart biomimetic advanced functionalities to repair mortar formulations to tackle multi-damage scenario triggers, hence combining both physical and chemical triggers. Host: University of Cambridge (United Kingdom), con secondment en la Universidad de Córdoba
  • ESR8: Self-healing cover zone, PhD in Civil Engineering – The ESR will apply self-healing technologies in the concrete cover-zone, the actual zone which controls the durability of reinforced concrete structures, saving unnecessary use of self-healing material elsewhere. Host: Delft University of Technology (the Netherlands)
  • ESR9: Self-sensing for damage monitoring using carbon nanomaterials, PhD in Civil Engineering – The ESR will investigate the potential for a range of carbon nanomaterials to form self-sensing cementitious systems to dictate the moment for repair of traditional concrete structures or to display whether self-healing was successful or not. Host: University of Cambridge (United Kingdom)
  • ESR10: Cyclic mechanical and thermal actions and impact, joint (PoliMi-UGent) PhD in Structural, Geotechnical and Earthquake Engineering and Civil Engineering – The ESR will develop test methodologies to characterize healing performance in concrete structural elements under sustained loading and/or under repeated cracking and healing cycles, including effects of temperature cycles. Host: Politecnico di Milano (Italy)
  • ESR11: Self-healing in realistic (extreme) conditions, joint (UGent-KU Leuven) PhD in Civil Engineering and engineering Technology – The ESR will produce a selection matrix for self-healing methodologies that can be tailored to specific real environments such as temperatures of -10 to 60°C, high salt or acid concentrations, etc. Host: Ghent University (Belgium)
  • ESR14: Life Cycle Assessment, PhD in Civil Engineering – The ESR will realize a well-founded cradle-to-grave LCA for the different self-healing materials and elements studied in the project to underpin the environmental benefits that can be realized with those novel systems. Host: Ghent University (Belgium)
  • ESR15: Technology-tailored commercialization of self-healing methods and systems, multidisciplinary PhD in Business Economics – This ESR will investigate how the technical knowledge, generated in this project, can be optimally brought to the market. Host: Ghent University (Belgium)

Además, teniendo en cuenta la regla de movilidad, también existen diferentes perfiles con acogida en España.

  • ESR12: Mitigating chloride and carbonation induced corrosion, PhD in Construction Engineering – The ESR will verify durability enhancement, scaling up damage due to crack healing and obtain basic parameters for service life quantification. Host: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (Spain)
  • ESR13: Integration of self-healing functionalities in structural and service-life design, PhD in Construction Engineering – The ESR will integrate self-healing technologies in the structural design practices of concrete structures and develop (new or adapted) service life models for self-healing concrete. Host: Research and Developments Concrete (Spain)

Se podrán solicitar los puestos de investigador hasta el 15/08/2019

Para completar con más información sobre las posiciones y sus requisitos, visitar el perfil de EURAXESS