8 de February de 2021 0 Comentarios

Hyphenating SUPRAS and LC-MS-MS for high throughput universal testing of banned substances in urine (2019R1000388G)

Prohibited substances in sports encompass a large number of chemicals covering a wide range of structures and polarities, which makes it difficult their efficient simultaneous extraction from biological fluids. On the other hand, LC-MS/MS, suitable for detecting and quantifying a large number of compounds, is prone to matrix effects that cause analyte ionization suppression or enhancement, which often compromises sensitivity and selectivity and consequently the accuracy of its application. As a result, sample extraction and clean-up for anti-doping testing usually involves extensive and time-consuming matrix-dependent protocols that are only applicable to a reduced number of structurally related chemicals.

This project aims to develop a high throughput matrix- and compound-independent platform for the reliable detection and quantification of the most commonly abused substances detected in urine in anti-doping testing. The approach will be based on the combination of the capability of supramolecular solvents (SUPRASs) to efficiently extract compounds in a wide polarity range and integrate sample extraction and cleanup with the power of LC-(quadrupole-linear ion trap (Q-LIT)MS/MS for compound identification and quantitation.



The final goal is to provide WADA-accredited labs with an universal, fast and reliable approach for the high-throughput assessment of prohibited substances in urine.



UCO is the coordinator of the UCO is the coordinator of the project..



Principal investigator: Soledad Rubio Bravo

E-mail: qa1rubrs@uco.es

Web: https://cleancompetition.org/