Name of Degree: Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration and Management
No. of ECTS credits/years: 240 credits/ 4 years
Duration in years: Four
Type of teaching involved: In-person teaching
Number of new admission vacanciesNumber of new admission vacanciesprovided: 149
Minimum number of credits for enrolment: 24
Faculty and place where it is taught: Faculty of Law and Economic & BusinessFaculty of Law and Economic & BusinessSciences
Degree code: 2501140
Academic level: Graduate
Branch: Social and Legal Sciences
F. Council of Ministers: 30/10/2009
Publication in Official State Gazette (BOE): BOE 05/01/2010
Publication of the Study Plan: BOE 12/04/2010
URL of the degree in the RUCT: Link
Academic year the degree was introduced: 2009/2010
Number of academic years in theNumber of academic years in theintroduction phase: 1º, 2º, 3º y 4º
Languages used in teaching the degree: Spanish and, in some specific subjects,Spanish and, in some specific subjects,English
Rules for continuance: Download
Procedure for issuing the EuropeanProcedure for issuing the Europeansupplement to the Degree: Link
  • Justification for the Degree
  • Competences
  • Academic opportunities in relation to other studies

    The first level, which in our case is the Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration and Management, includes university education known as first-cycle education, whose purpose is general training that enables students to carry out activities of a professional nature. The degree’s basic education credits may be recognised in bachelor’s degrees belonging to the branch of Social and Legal Sciences, depending on the applicable regulations on recognition and transfer of credits.

    The second level, Postgraduate, includes the second and third cycles. The second cycle of studies is dedicated to advanced education, of a specialist or multidisciplinary nature, with two orientations: one is an academic and professional specialisation; and the other, an initiation into research tasks. The two account for studies worth 60 to 120 credits. Passing these education blocks gives the right to obtain the title of Master’s Degree.

    In the third cycle, the Doctorate studies are aimed at advanced education for the student in research techniques, including the preparation and presentation of a doctoral thesis. Access to doctoral studies requires a master’s degree to be obtained beforehand, or else more than 60 credits in official postgraduate programmes. In any case, students must have completed a minimum of 300 credits between undergraduate and postgraduate studies to enter a doctoral programme. Passing this level gives the right to obtain the title of Doctor.

    Graduates will be able to access the range of Official Postgraduate Programmes of special interest depending on the knowledge and skills acquired in the Bachelor’s degree in BAM:

    PhD Programmes

    Furthermore, the university provides its own studies with their own corresponding postgraduate degree, including Master’s, Specialist and Expert programmes. One can also opt for international mobility to pursue Postgraduate Studies.

  • Professional opportunities

    The Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration and Management at the University of Cordoba provides the necessary training to manage companies. Organisations combine material, human and financial resources in a highly shifting and competitive environment that requires qualified professionals. The training obtained provides graduates with the specific knowledge, skills and tools necessary to enable effective and efficient management in a company.

    The broad scope of Business Administration and Management enables graduates to gain multiple facets for professional practice. Among the most significant professional opportunities are the following:

    • Working in the private sector in Management and Direction of all types of companies, performing all types of functions: management, accounting, administration, purchasing, sales, finance, export, auditing in any department (Commercial, Marketing, Foreign Trade, Human Resources, Production, etc.)
    • Self-employment based on creating one’s own company.
    • Access to the public sector at different levels: local, regional, national and international organisations.
    • Beginning a teaching career either in secondary education or at university.

    In this vein, the University of Cordoba accompanies its students throughout the process and the active search for professional opportunities. The University of Cordoba’s Social Council has a network of Occupational Information and Guidance Centres (OIGC/COIE), one of which is located on the Rabanales Campus. Their purpose is to give access to information sources for university graduates, guide them in creating of a personalised itinerary to find a job, and familiarise them with the socioeconomic and production environment.

    The OIGC intends to provide a Professional Guidance service that is as comprehensive as possible and fully aware of the reality of the current job market. In order to provide users with greater professional competence, aspects of complementary training and professional experience are covered via internships in companies. To achieve this aim, the office has established ties for collaboration with numerous public and private entities and organisations.

    The services provided include the following:

    • Information on market needs and professional opportunities (New Job Openings)
    • Advice on Job Search Tools: preparing CVs, cover letters and selection interviews.
    • Finding and informing about job offers.
    • Dissemination of training practices in public and/or private entities.
    • Job pool.
    • Information on courses, public service entrance exams, scholarships, conferences, congresses, master’s degrees, etc.
    • Implementation of training activities and job orientation.
    • Group workshops for job searches.
    • Information on other organisations in Cordoba where one may go to get more specific advice.

    Within the activities to improve the employability of its graduates, the University of Cordoba deploys lines of intervention in employment guidance and in professional practices. These are centralised and coordinated through the University Foundation for the Development of the Province of Cordoba (FUNDECOR). The following lines are included: employment guidance (through the Andalucía Orienta guidance service and the employment conferences for university students), professional internships (own plan, PRAEM and EPES), intermediation in the job market (University Placement Agency and UCO Job Fair), Equality, Solidarity and Interculturality (Universem Programme and European Volunteer Service), young people’s participation in the university (Know Your University (Conoce Tu Universidad) gatherings and the UCO Alumni Association).