15 de April de 2021 0 Comentarios

An interlinked digital platform for Food Integrity and Traceability of relevant MEDIterranean supply chains (PRIMA-S1-2019-MEDIFIT)

Food fraud, including the more defined subcategory of economically motivated adulteration, is a public-health food risk that is growing in awareness, concern, and danger1. Each food fraud incident has the potential to threaten consumers’ well-being but also undermine confidence in the EU food market. The impact may be higher for the Mediterranean traditional food products considering that they are generally recognized for their high nutritional and sensory value. Due to increasing number of food fraud incidents, there is an inherent need for the development and implementation of analytical platforms enabling detection and quantitation of adulterations. A comprehensive shared, trusted repository of analytical information about the Mediterranean foods is still lacking. The creation of a platform providing access to reference data would foster the necessary harmonization of the analytical methods and would create the foundation for trans-national authenticity and traceability systems.

The overarching objective of MEDIFIT is to enable traceability, authenticity control of traditional Mediterranean foods integrating innovative analytical methods and digital technologies. To accomplish that, the consortium will link Decision Support Systems (DSSs) to a cloud-based Distributed Data and Service Integration BackBone (DDSIBB) providing access to decentralized food integrity information repositories. MEDIFIT will implement this IT-standards-driven solution for food integrity scenarios in two Mediterranean food chains: honey and cheese products by adopting a multi-actor approach from farm to fork. A key aspect of MEDIFIT will be to disseminate this platform to end-users, and organizing training courses for companies and stakeholders.


Objetivos generales

  • Establish industry standard based IT service which provides interfaces and services (Application Programming Interface, API) to collect and share information on events related to traceability, analytical measurements, data processing pipelines (workflows), decision support (predictive) models.
  • Harmonize and standardize aspects of innovative non-targeted screening methods and sample preparation procedures for the identification of adulterations in honey and cheese.
  • Decision Support Systems (DSSs) integrating data from the cloud-based Distributed Data and Service Integration BackBone (DDSIBB).
  • Demonstration and piloting the digital driven solution for traceability and food integrity.
  • Establishment of appropriate communication channels, tools and plans.
  • Establishment and maintenance of regular dialogue with the industry, policy makers, standardization stakeholders and train users.
  • Manage the MEDIFIT partnership.


Papel de la Universidad de Córdoba

WP 2: Harmonization and standardization aspects of innovative authentication methods for food integrity monitoring in cheese and honey products WP3. Integration of a harmonized Food Integrity Database into Decision Support Systems by adopting a multi actor approach from farm to fork.

  • Task 3.3: Integrating Computing Tools for enhancing biological food risk assessment systems: microhibro.com

WP4. Piloting of the digital driven solutions for traceability and food integrity in two Mediterranean food chain scenarios for honey and cheese products.

  • Task 4.1 Scenarios design for piloting and assessing the implementation of the digital driven solution for traceability and food integrity in two Mediterranean food chains.
  • Task 4.2 Simulation of the scenarios.


Investigador principal: Fernando Pérez Rodríguez

E-mail: b42perof@uco.es

Página web del proyecto: https://medifitprima.wordpress.com/