20 de April de 2021 0 Comentarios

Mountain Valorization through Interconnectedness and Green Growth (H2020-RUR-2019-01-862739)

Mountain covers 36% of Europe area and play an essential role in the provision of public and private goods. Despite their relevance in both ecological and socioeconomic terms, we lack updated and comparable knowledge of the impacts of climate change, demographic trends and socioeconomic drivers in these areas; as well as the necessary policy-mix to address them. Advanced knowledge on the vulnerability of land use and production systems and related value chains; and on the long-term trends and dynamics affecting European mountains is necessary to design the next generation of policies.

The overall objective of MOVING is to build capacities and co-develop — in a bottom-up participatory process with value chain actors, stakeholders and policy-makers— relevant policy frameworks across Europe for the establishment of new or upgraded/upscaled Value Chains that contribute to resilience and sustainability of mountain areas.


Objetivos generales

  1. To develop a global strategy to engage the main actors and stakeholders into a European-wide Community of Practice (CoP) on Mountain VCs, including actors from the Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation System (AKIS), value chain and policy-making stakeholders and society.
  2. To develop a conceptual and analytical framework able to describe and interpret the diversity of mountain VCs and assess their contribution to the sustainability and resilience of mountain areas and population.
  3. To provide easy-to-read visual tolos.
  4. To study the configurations, the strategies, the dynamics, the value distribution of the VCs in order to assess their contribution to sustainability and resilience.
  5. To develop in-depth, participatory, critical benchmarking of (cross-regional) clusters of mountain VCs to identify enablers and blocking factors affecting the sustainability and resilience.
  6. To carry out a set of evidence-based foresight exercises.
  7. To develop a policy roadmap and a ‘Quick Start’ policy design based on evidence-based and performance-focussed recommendations to secure a long-term provision for the ‘next generation’ of policy interventions that enhance the connectivity, sustainability and resilience of mountain regions via the establishment of new or upgraded/upscaled VCs that deliver, both private and public goods.

Papel de la Universidad de Córdoba

The University of Cordoba is the Project Coordinator, coordinates WP5 and co-leads WP7 and participates in all the project’s WPs:
  • WP1: Integrating research with Dissemination, Exploitation, Communication and Outreach activities.
  • WP2: Conceptual and analytical framework.
  • WP3: Development of visual science-society-policy interface tools.
  • WP4: Participatory appraisal of vulnerability and performance of value chains.
  • WP5: Cross-case comparison and benchmarking (Lead beneficiary).
  • WP6: Participatory multi-level foresight.
  • WP7: Policy analysis and roadmap (Co-lead beneficiary).
  • WP8: Project management (Lead beneficiary).
  • WP9: Ethics requirements (Lead beneficiary).
  In addition, the University of Cordoba will be in charge of key derivables and milestones such as:
    • A Land use systems vulnerability’s report in WP3.
    • A Comparative cross-case report on Mountain Value Chains, policy briefs and participatory workshops in WP5.
    • A Policy Audit and Policy Design Toolkit in WP7.

Investigador principal: María del Mar Delgado Serrano (Project Coordinator)

E-mail: mmdelgado@uco.es

Página web del proyecto: https://www.moving-h2020.eu/