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Privacy policy

Owner of the file

The legal owner of thiswebsite, and therefore of the files containing personal data in which the data collected and processedfromthiswebsitewill be included, is Agrifood Comunicación, with contactaddress at C/ Daoiz 6 – Bajo B 28004, Madrid and e-mail address comunicacion@lifereinnocereal.eu

Data collected

You can visit the website www.lifereinnocereal.eu with out providing any personal data, how ever there are several contact forms where personal data is collected. Agrifood Comunicación only collects the personal data that is necessary to provide you with the information you request about our products and services.

Use and purpose of the data collected

At www.lifeinnocereal.eu personal data is collected for the following purposes:

Sending information: The data entered in the contact forms will be used to provide you with the information you request about our products and services. This information issent by post and/or e-mail. Users who do not wish to receive this type of information can communicate this to the e-mail address comunicacion@lifeinnocereal.eu.

Use of cookies

Our website uses cookie implantation devices that will allow you to identify yourself automatically and will helpus to obtain information about your visiting habits and behaviour on our website. This will helpus to improve www.lifeinnocereal.eu but if you do not want these files to be installed on your computer, you can block them in the cookie options that you will find in your internet browser.

Disclosure of personal data to third parties.

Agrifood Comunicación, has no intention of disclosingyour personal data beyond the cases in whichwe are obliged by law (public administrations, administrative or judicial authorities, etc.).

Exercise of rights

At any time you may exercise your rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition by sending the corresponding request for exercise together with a copy of the official document that identifies you (ID card, driving licence or passport) to the e-mail address comunicacion@lifeinnocereal.eu. Likewise, at thissame e-mail address you may request to unsubscribe as a user when you deemit convenient and unsubscribe from the system for receiving our newsletter. If you have any doubts about how to exercise these rights, you can go to the website of the Spanish Data Protection Agency www.agpd.es, or to our customer service e-mail address comunicacion@lifeinnocereal.eu.

Changes to the terms of this privacy policy

This privacy policy is dated 14/03/2017 and any changes to its terms will be communicated to users of the website..