
The Water, Environmental and Agricultural Resources Economics (WEARE) research group is headquartered at the University of Cordoba (Southern Spain), although it has some members in other countries. This research group is linked to the Department of Agricultural Economics and the School of Agricultural and Forestry Engineering.

WEARE is the results of the joint interest of a group of senior and junior researchers whose research is mainly focused on water economics issues related to agriculture as well as sustainability of agricultural systems and environmental valuation.

Current research interests include:

  • Economic instruments for water governance
    • Water pricing
    • Water markets and water banks
    • Water accounting
  • Sustainable water management
    • Common-pool resources
    • Reliability in water supply
    • Effects of improving the efficiency of water
    • Economics of wastewater treatment and reuse in agriculture
    • Economic valuation of water resources
  • Mathematical modelling focused on ex-ante agricultural and environmental policy analysis
    • Multi Attribute Utility Theory (MAUT)
    • Positive Mathematical Programming (PMP)
    • Multi Criteria Decision Making (MCDM)
  • Ecosystem services and public goods provided by agricultural sector
  • Social and policy issues in rural areas
  • Common Agriculture Policy: Agri-Environmental Challenges
    • Ecosystem Services and Public Goods provided by Agricultural Sector
    • Designing of Agri-Environmental Policy Instruments
    • Sustainability of Agricultural Systems
    • Modelling of Consumer and Farmer Behaviour
    • Analysis of Innovation Adoption
    • Social and Policy Issues in Rural Areas

Current research includes the following national and international projects:

  • DRYAD: Demonstration and modelling of Nature Based Solutions (NBS) to enhance the resilience of mediterranean agro-silvo-pastoral ecosystems and landscapes
  • GO-BIORUMIOLI: Productos Bioeconómicos derivados de pequeños rumiantes a través de la revalorización de subproductos del aceite de oliva
  • e-MOHICAN: Digital platform for hydro-economic basin modelling for water policy and climate change analysis
  • FARMPERFORM: Transición ecológica de la agricultura: Análisis microeconómico para el soporte de la toma de decisiones políticas
  • TRANSECOag: Diseño de políticas eficientes para la transición ecológica de la agricultura. Un enfoque microeconómico
  • CODECS: Maximising the CO-benefits of agricultural Digitalisation through conducive digital ECoSystems
  • GOVAQUA: Water governance, economic and financial sustainability of water systems
  • AgrEcoMed – New agroecological approach for soil fertility and biodiversity restoration to improve economic and social resilience of Mediterranean farming systems
  • BONEX – Boosting Nexus Framework Implementation in the Mediterranean
  • GOTHAM: Governance tool for sustainable water resources allocation in the mediterranean through stakeholder’s collaboration. Towards a paradigm shift in groundwater management by end-users
  • BHYEM: Análisis de políticas de agua en un contexto de escasez hídrica y cambio climático: un modelo hidro-económico a escala cuenca integrando efectos micro y macroeconómicos
  • MOVING: Mountain Valorization through Interconnectedness and Green Growth
  • DESIRA: Digitization Economic and Social Impacts in Rural Areas
  • IN-HABIT: Inclusive Health and Wellbeing in Small and Medium Size Cities
  • PAGOSER-Eco: “PAGOs por Servicios Ecosistémicos basados en Resultados: análisis de diseños innovadores en política de agroambiente y clima”
  • SEKECO: Evaluación de estrategias de adaptación a la sequía bajo el actual escenario de cambio climático
  • FINAGUA – Hacia una gestión más sostenible del regadío frente al cambio climático. Diseño de nuevos instrumentos financieros (seguro y ahorro de precaución) para la mitigación del impacto de la sequía
  • IRRIDROUGHT: Cambio climático y sostenibilidad del regadío: nuevos instrumentos de demanda para la gestión de sequías
  • SuWaNu Europe-Network for effective knowledge transfer on safe and economic wastewater reuse in agriculture in Europe
  • PI-RURAL: Rural Water and Food Security. China-EU Water Platform Project (CEWP)
  • PROVIDE: Providing smart delivery of public goods by EU agriculture and forestry
  • SULANET: Sustainable Land Management Network
  • EVAMODRE: Evaluation of irrigation modernization in the context of climate change: Assessing of current and future scenarios of Southern Spain basins