Autor: Riska Sri Handayani.
Director: Manuel Torres Aguilar.
Año: 2018
País: España.
Idioma: Inglés
Universidad: Universidad de Córdoba.


Tesis que aborda el estudio del asilo en Australia de los migrantes que llegan a sus costas de paises cercanos como Indonesia. Analiza a través de los medios de comunicación las relaciones entre Austria e Indonesia a raíz de la violación de la soberania indonesia con la puesta en macha de la política fronteriza australiana.

  • Introduction.
    • Background of the study.
    • Promen statement.
    • Objetives of the study.
    • Limitation of the study.
    • Significance of the study.
      • Related to the theory of national interest and interdependence.
      • The results of the investigation to solve the problem.
    • Research methods.
  • Conceptual Underpinnings and Literature Review.
    • Conceptual Underpinnings for the study.
    • Literature review.
  • Boat People to Australia: Are They Genuine Refugees or Economic Migrants? A perspective from situation of the top 5 countries of origin.
    • In the Midst of Refugees and Economic Migrants.
      • Definitions of Refugee.
      • Definitions of Economic Migrant.
    • Economic Migrants & Boat People in Australia.
      • Economic Migrant.
      • Boat People.
    • The Australian Policy to Boat People and the Determination of Refugee Status.
    • Boat People and the Root of Problems.
  • Australian Government’s Policies in Handling IMAs.
    • Pacific Solutions.
    • Operation Sovereign Borders.
    • Situation of IMAs After OSB.
    • The impacts of policies to Australia.
    • The impacts of Australian government’s policies to asylum seekers.
  • The Circumstances Following the Implementation of OSB Policy.
    • Asylum seekers stuck in Indonesia.
    • Bribery issue.
    • Australia refuses to resettle refugees from Indonesia and plans a lifetime ban towards boat people.
    • Indonesian government’s in handling asylum seekers and refugees.
    • Indonesian policies and laws related to immigrants / refugees.
  • A Violation to the sovereignty of Indonesian territorial waters.
    • State borders according to UNCLOS.
    • Australia-Indonesia Agreement (Lombok Treaty 2006).
    • Territory of the country according to Indonesian law.
  • Applying Operation Sovereign Borders Policy in Europe.
    • The implementation of turn back boats policy in Australia and Refugee Crisis in Europe.
    • The Changes of Australian Government Policy on Asylum Seekers.
    • From ‘Enhanced Screening Process’ to ‘Turn Back Boats’ Policy.
    • The problems faced by Australian government after the implementation of ‘turn back boats’ policy since 2013.
    • The Wave of Refugees and Migrants in Europe.
    • The Cooperation Between EU Countries and Libyan Coast Guard To Turn Back Boats of Immigrants.
    • The Differences Condition in Detention Center and Transit Countries.
    • Comparing Australia and European Countries in Implementing Policies.
  • Indonesia – Australia Relations.
    • Tidal Relations between Indonesia-Australia.
    • Indonesia-Australia Security and Defence Cooperation.
    • The Future of Indonesia-Australia Relations.
  • Research Implications and Conclusions.
    • Theoretical Implications.
    • Practical implications.
    • Conclusion.
  • Appendix.
  • References.

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