Applying ecosystem services-based approaches to water resource decision making: studying the risk of nature commodification in Mexico’s last free-flowing river

Title: Applying ecosystem services-based approaches to water resource decision making: studying the risk of nature commodification in Mexico’s last free-flowing river. Award reference: AF150190
Call: British Academy Newton Advanced Fellowship. Scheme 2015 Round 2
Funding entity: British Academy
Period: 20th March 2016 to 20th March 2018 (24 months).
Partnership: El Colegio de la Frontera Sur (Mexico),  University of Leeds (UK), The James Hutton Institute
Coordinator: M. Azahara Mesa-Jurado and Julia Martin-Ortega
Budget: 71,500 GBP
WEARE members involved: M. Azahara Mesa-Jurado, Julia Martin-Ortega.